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They have several times applied to us for artillery officers, and we have sent them some; but the officers thus sent have not been sufficiently powerful, either in numbers or talent, to produce any important result. He proposes to take along with him six or seven officers, of different kinds, and who may be, altogether, perfect masters of the military art.

The law expressly affirms that the man that doeth these things shall live by them; he proposes to take the law just as it reads, and just as it stands, to do the deeds of the law, to perform the works which it enjoins, and to live by the service. This we say, is the common notion, natural to man, of the species of work which must be performed in order to eternal life.

There is a legend, a thrice accursed legend in our family, my mother employs it even yet when she proposes to reduce me to salutary depths of humility that I came, she brought me here, once, long ago, when I was a child, and that I was fiendishly naughty, that I behaved odiously." Madame de Vallorbes stretched out her hands, presenting the rosy palms of them in the most engaging manner.

Gascoigne wants me to go down with him to his father's rectory in August and see the country round there. But I think self-interest well understood will take me to Topping Abbey, for Sir Hugo has invited me, and proposes God bless him for his rashness! that I should make a picture of his three daughters sitting on a bank as he says, in the Gainsborough style.

I am not writing to a man, am I? If I were carrying on a correspondence with a fellow, of whom my mother disapproved, and whom it might be improper for me to encourage, my own honour and my duty would engage my obedience. But as the case is so widely different, not a word more on this subject, I beseech you! * Clarissa proposes Mr. Hickman to write for Miss Howe.

I had been beguiled into conversation yes, into intimacy with these two tourists! I had had the intention of embracing the faith of Pythagoras! Then I had mewed like a cat with all the strength of my lungs. Now the male tourist vanishes and leaves me in charge of the female tourist, alone and at night in a strange city! And now the female tourist proposes that I take her home!

His advice to Xerxes. The Ionian rebellion. First invasion of Greece. Xerxes convenes a public council. His speech. Xerxes recounts the aggressions of the Athenians. Xerxes proposes to build a bridge over the Hellespont. Excitement of Mardonius. His speech. Mardonius expresses his contempt of the Greeks. Predictions of Mardonius. Pause in the assembly. Speech of Artabanus. His apologies.

And his conjectures certainly far outstrip the modesty of nature. The system of equality which Mr Godwin proposes is, without doubt, by far the most beautiful and engaging of any that has yet appeared. An amelioration of society to be produced merely by reason and conviction wears much more the promise of permanence than any change effected and maintained by force.

I will out with it at once. It begins with an R and ends with an e." "Capital!" whispers a young lieutenant of Bordeaux promotion. "He proposes the Republique, without offending the old fogies by saying the word." "Nonsense! He means the Radicale," replies the other, an old captain from Cassel. "Upon my word," says a third as he lifts his glass, "our friend must mean la Royaute."

Two or three times during this short address, the cherub addressed had made chubby motions towards a chair. The gentleman now took it, laying a hesitating hand on a corner of the table, and with another hesitating hand lifting the crown of his hat to his lips, and drawing it before his mouth. 'The gentleman, R. W., said Mrs Wilfer, 'proposes to take your apartments by the quarter.