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Browning's Letters continued Walter Savage Landor Winter in Rome Mr. Val Prinsep Friends in Rome: Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright Multiplying Social Relations Massimo d'Azeglio Siena again Illness and Death of Mrs. Browning's Sister Mr. Browning's Occupations Madame du Quaire Mrs. Browning's last Illness and Death. I cannot quite ascertain, though it might seem easy to do so, whether Mr. and Mrs.

The colonel's pages, at this point, are filled with digressions and dissertations on subjects somewhat miscellaneous Aberdeen pale ale the enormities of Warren Hastings' government the late James Prinsep and the moral precepts of the Rajah Piyâdâsee and a most incomprehensible rhapsody about "a red mustached member of the Bengal civil service," of which we profess ourselves utterly incompetent to make either head or tail, and strongly recommend the colonel to expunge it if the work reaches another edition.

Prinsep and Jones do you know them? are in the town. The Storys have passed the summer in the villa opposite, and no less a lion than dear old Landor is in a house a few steps off. I take care of him his amiable family having clawed him a little too sharply: so strangely do things come about!

I pictured the listening Hester Prinsep, and pride, or some useful substitute therefor, came to my aid. 'I'm afraid I've interrupted you, I said, making a huge effort to avoid seeing the witchery in Mabel's eyes. 'I only came to bring this book for Mrs. Foster. I had promised it. 'But why so solemn, poor knight? What's wrong? Won't you sit down? said Mabel gaily.

Fergusson further says that this temple, or chaitya, is older and better preserved than any other in India, and may be assigned to a period about 200 years B.C., because Prinsep, who has read the inscription on the Silastamba pillar, asserts that the lion pillar was the gift of Ajmitra Ukasa, son of Saha Ravisobhoti, and another inscription shows that the temple was visited by Dathama Hara, otherwise Dathahamini, King of Ceylon, in the twentieth year of his reign, that is to say, 163 years before our era.

Though he admired parts of ‘Festus’ greatly, we do not gather from these volumes that he met the author. Dobell he saw much of at Malvern in 1846. The letter-diary from Tennyson during his stay in Cornwall with Holman Hunt, Val. Prinsep, Woolner, and Palgrave, shows how exhilarated he could be by wind and sea.

Val Prinsep, but chiefly in his impressions of the cool courage which Mr. Trelawney had displayed during its course. A surgeon was occupied all the time in probing his leg for a bullet which had been lodged there some years before, and had lately made itself felt; and he showed himself absolutely indifferent to the pain of the operation. Mr.

Val Prinsep, who also received it from Mr. Browning. 'At Florence lived a curious old savant who in his day was well known to all who cared for art or history. I fear now few live who recollect Kirkup. He was quite a mine of information on all kinds of forgotten lore. It was he who discovered Giotto's portrait of Dante in the Bargello.

J. PRINSEP, the eminent secretary to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, found a fish in the pulviometer at Calcutta, in 1838. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. vi. p. 465. A series of instances in which fishes have been found on the continent of India under circumstances which lead to the conclusion that they must have fallen from the clouds, have been collected by the late Dr.

Watts' personal life was at this time pervaded by the influence of Lord and Lady Holland, who, having returned from Florence to London, had him as a constant visitor to Holland House. In 1850 he went to live at The Dower House, an old building in the fields of Kensington. There, as a guest of the Prinsep family, he set up as a portrait painter.