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In the Middle Ages he would have excited no comment at all. Passers by would simply have said to themselves, "Ah, another of those knights off after the dragons!" and would have gone on their way with a civil greeting. But in the present age it is always somewhat startling to see a helmeted head pop up in front of your motor car. At any rate, it startled Bream. I will go further.

The man scowled and in his usual harsh manner exclaimed: "Call the dog away, Junior. If you're not hurt we'll get another cab and go on." "Why, Pop!" cried the lame boy, quite excitedly. "That pup likes her a whole lot. See him? Say, girl, did you used to own that puppy?" "No, indeed, dear," said Nan, laughing. "But he remembers me." "From where?" demanded the curious Ravell Bulson, Jr.

"No," said Jimmie, defensively; "he didn't." After this casual remark Henry continued his labor, with a scowl of occupation. Presently he said: "I done tol' yer many's th' time not to go a-foolin' an' a-projjeckin' with them flowers. Yer pop don' like it nohow." As a matter of fact, Henry had never mentioned flowers to the boy.

My brother-in-law wants me to go back to them for the 1st of September." "Then I think I shall run down to Forster's, and have a pop at the pheasants. It will give me an opportunity of being presented to Miss Nowell." "I shall be very pleased to introduce you, old fellow. I know that you will admire her."

It transpired later that they had not a cartridge among them; and of all helpless mortals a soldier without a cartridge is the most imbecile. But all this time the continuous rattle of the enemy's guns and the petulant pop of my own pocket firearm were punctuated, as it were, by pretty regularly recurring loud explosions, as of a small cannon.

The tone made a swift change in the old woman. She gripped her bony hands tight and a look of beatific joy came into her wrinkled face. "Yes, it's really me, Pop!" she said, with a kind of triumphant ring to her voice. "But but you're right here, ain't you? You ain't dead, an' an' gone to gl-oo-ry, be you? You're right here?" "Yes, I'm right here, Pop. I ain't dead! Pop glory's come to me!"

What do you wish, my darlings?" "I want a cent for chewing gum," said the Girl Weasel. "Get it from the Guinea-Pig; you have my assent. And what does my dear boy want?" "Pop," went the Weasel, "our billy-goat has swallowed the hare you gave me to play with." "Dear me," sighed the King, "how often I find a hair in the butter!

"The well has to be out in the open." "But what about water?" asked Sandy. "Hang me if I ever heard of a well without water!" "We'll run a hose up to this one," explained Pop Snooks. "A man will lie down behind the well-curb, where he won't show in the camera. As fast as Ruth lowers her bucket into the well the man'll fill the pail with water for the soldiers to drink.

I'll pop in, in a friendly way. So she tells me, som'ere in Lambeth, I forgets hexactly; and many's the good piece of work we ha' done togither." "And where is she now?" asked Mr. R 's companion. "I doesn't know purcisely, but I can com' at her. Mr. R. smiled significantly. Bill resumed.

"When you drop a nickel in the slot do you get gum, peanuts or your fortune told or does a Punch and Judy pop out?" she laughingly and innocently asked Sim and Sammy Berwick who stood near. Sim looked uneasy and Sammy said, "Aw, them things are no good, Mrs. Dustin. You don't want to monkey with them. You might " But Mrs.