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Suppose two peoples goes to fight, ah bah, somebody must pick up de pieces dat is mon onc' 'Lias! He have his boat full of hoysters; so he sit dere all alone and watch dat great fight, an' heat de hoyster an' drink de cider vine. "Ah, bah! mon onc' 'Lias he is standin' hin de door dat day. Dat is what we say on Jersey when a man have some ver' great luck we say he stan' hin de door.

The spikes last a month in full beauty sometimes two. An Oncidium which always commands attention from the public and grateful regard from the devotee is Onc. papilio. Its strange form fascinated the Duke of Devonshire, grandfather to the present, who was almost the first of our lordly amateurs, and tempted him to undertake the explorations which introduced so many fine plants to Europe.

You see dat spot where we coum to land, Ma'm'selle Landresse where de shingle look white, de leetle green grass above? Dat is where mon onc' 'Lias he bring in de King's ship and de privator. Gatd'en'ale it is a journee awful! He twist to de right, he shape to de left trough de teeth of de rocks all safe vera happee to dis nice leetle bay of de Maitre Ile dey coum.

The fourth of these fine species, Onc. superbiens, ranks among the grandest of flowers knowing its own value, it rarely consents to "oblige;" the dusky green sepals are margined with yellow, petals white, clouded with pale purple, lip very small, of course, purple, surmounted by a great golden crest. Most strange and curious is Onc. fuscatum, of which the shape defies description.

De Frenchies dey grind dere teeth and spit de fire. But de Henglish laugh at demdey are safe. 'Frien' of my heart, say de hofficier to mon onc' 'Lias, 'pilot of pilots, he say, 'in de name of our greshus King I t'ank you A bi'tot, good-bye! he say. 'Tres-ba, mon onc' 'Lias he say den, 'I will go to my privator. 'You will go to de shore, say de hofficier.

De big Henglish ship she is hit ver' bad, she is all break-up. Efin, dat leetle privator he stan' round on de fighting side of de gentleman-of-war and take de fire by her loneliness. Say, then, wherever dere is troub' mon onc' 'Lias he is there, he stan' outside de troub' an' look on dat is his hobby. You call it hombog? Oh, nannin-gia!

'You will wait on de shore till de captain and his men of de privator coum to you. When dey coum, de ship is yours de privator is for you. Mon onc' 'Lias he is like a child he believe. He 'bout ship and go shore. Misery me, he sit on dat rocking-stone you see tipping on de wind. But if he wait until de men of de privator coum to him, he will wait till we see him sitting there now.

De Frenchies dey grind dere teeth and spit de fire. But de Henglish laugh at demdey are safe. 'Frien' of my heart, say de hofficier to mon onc' 'Lias, 'pilot of pilots, he say, 'in de name of our greshus King I t'ank you A bi'tot, good-bye! he say. 'Tres-ba, mon onc' 'Lias he say den, 'I will go to my privator. 'You will go to de shore, say de hofficier.

He babbled it all the way, and chiefly about a mythical Uncle Elias, who was the text for many a sermon. "Times past," said he, as they neared Maitre Ile, "mon onc' 'Lias he knows these Ecrehoses better as all the peoples of the world respe d'la compagnie. Mon onc' 'Lias he was a fine man.

'You will wait on de shore till de captain and his men of de privator coum to you. When dey coum, de ship is yours de privator is for you. Mon onc' 'Lias he is like a child he believe. He 'bout ship and go shore. Misery me, he sit on dat rocking-stone you see tipping on de wind. But if he wait until de men of de privator coum to him, he will wait till we see him sitting there now.