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The consecration of the splendid Norman church of St Gervais took place in the presence of Henry I. but there is nothing particularly English in any part of the exterior. Above, rises a tall pointed roof ornamented with four odd-looking dormers near the apex.

Many curious things caught his eye, huddled together without any order on the mantel-piece, and among the books on the window-seat fossils and odd-looking shells, cobwebby bottles, in which floated strange objects without shape or make. Splendid things for a museum, thought Ambrose, as his eyes roved among them, but how dusty and untidy, and no labels.

Inside the shop he discovered an odd-looking old man, one of the queer characters of the trade in the days of the Empire. Doguereau wore a black coat with vast square skirts, when fashion required swallow-tail coats.

This odd-looking figure reported himself to be a native of the county of Cornwall, in the island of Great Britain. His boyhood had passed in the neighborhood of the tin mines, and his youth as the cabin-boy of a smuggler, between Falmouth and Guernsey.

"Oh yes, I must tell you one thing more they make with these sinews. How do you think the Indian women carry their infants when they go on a long journey? They tie them to a board, and wrap them up in strong bandages of linen or cotton, which they sew firmly together with their stoutest thread, and then they suspend the odd-looking burden to their backs.

"I thought so, by your hat; all politicians sport odd-looking hats: it is very remarkable, but that is the great symptom of the disease." "My hat! /is/ it odd?" said Ferrers, taking off the commodity in question, and seriously regarding it. "Why, who ever saw such a brim?" "Glad you think so." "Why, Ferrers?"

Fanny was silent; but a voice from Bess's corner said, "Put a child in her arms, Becky." "Not that even, for she is to be something more than a nurse." "Give her a ballot-box," cried a new voice, and turning round, they saw an odd-looking woman perched on a sofa behind them. "Thank you for the suggestion, Kate.

The grave old Turks looked on with astonishment, and called us mad Giaours, or some such name; and the little boys used to throw stones at us, or spit as we passed, but we did not care for that; we only laughed at them, and rode on. Once we rode into a village, and seeing an odd-looking building, we agreed that we should like to have a look inside.

"I mustn't faint," she said to herself hurriedly. "I mustn't faint! Whatever's the matter with me?" She took out her bottle of smelling-salts, and gave it a good, long sniff. "He was a grim, gaunt man, was this stranger, Mr. Coroner, with a very odd-looking face. I should say an educated man in common parlance, a gentleman.

Rachel; he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him. He may have been quite right in thinking so, for he was an odd-looking personage, with an ungainly figure and long iron-gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders, and a full, soft brown beard which he had worn ever since he was twenty.