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If I summed up the lessons of Louis in two expressions, they would be these; I do not hold him answerable for the words, but I will condense them after my own fashion in French, and then give them to you, expanded somewhat, in English: Formez toujours des idees nettes. Fuyez toujours les a peu pres. Always make sure that you form a distinct and clear idea of the matter you are considering.

Whose entringes thenhabitauntes vse to stoppe vp with great heapes of calion and stones, whereby the criekes serue them now in the steade of nettes.

By the riuers sides they make leyres of fine and strong nettes, that lye three handfulls vnder water, and one aboue to keepe and nourish their fish in, vntill such time as other fishers do come with boates, bringing for that purpose certaine great chests lined with paper, able to holde water, wherein they cary their fish vp and downe the riuer, euery day renuing the chest with fresh water, and selling their fish in euery City, towne and village where they passe, vnto the people as they neede it: most of them haue net leyres to keepe fish in alwayes for their prouision.

And in the myddes of this palays is the mountour for the grete Cane, that is alle wrought of gold and of precyous stones and grete perles: and at 4 corneres of the mountour, been 4 serpentes of gold: and alle aboute ther is y made large nettes of sylk, and gold and grete perles hangynge alle aboute the mountour.

«On voit très-bien du haut du Cramont que cette partie de la base n'est point du granit; sa couleur est d'un brun rougeâtre, elle ne se termine point par des arrêtes vives et nettes, n'est point composée de grandes tables planes. Ce font cependant des feuillets pyramidaux, mais petits et pressés les unes contre les autres;

If I summed up the lessons of Louis in two expressions, they would be these; I do not hold him answerable for the words, but I will condense them after my own fashion in French, and then give them to you, expanded somewhat, in English: Formez toujours des idees nettes. Fuyez toujours les a peu pres. Always make sure that you form a distinct and clear idea of the matter you are considering.

They didn't like les situations nettes that was all he was very sure of. They wouldn't have them at any price; it had been their national genius and their national success to avoid them at every point.

J'aime, moi, les situations nettes je rien comprends pas d'autres. It wouldn't be to your honour to that of your delicacy that with your impossible house you SHOULD wish to plant your girl in your drawing-room. But such a way of keeping her out of it as throwing her into a worse !" "Well, Jane, you do say things to me!" Mrs. Brookenham blandly broke in.

They didn't like les situations nettes that was all he was very sure of. They wouldn't have them at any price; it had been their national genius and their national success to avoid them at every point.