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While we sat within the circle, many people, of both sexes, passed through, kissing the iron cross which stands in the centre, thereby gaining an indulgence of seven years, I believe. In front of several churches I have seen an inscription in Latin, "INDULGENTIA PLENARIA ET PERPETUA PRO CUNCTIS MORTUIS ET VIVIS"; than which, it seems to me, nothing more could be asked or desired.

"It's Boris, the boar-hound," said I, still in a whisper, although there was no sign of any listeners. I knew the dog well; he was the king's favorite, and always accompanied him when he went hunting. He was obedient to every word of the king's, but of a rather uncertain temper towards the rest of the world. However, de mortuis nil nisi bonum; there he lay dead in the passage.

Gravediggers in Hamlet. Shows the profound knowledge of the human heart. Daren't joke about the dead for two years at least. De mortuis nil nisi prius. Go out of mourning first. Hard to imagine his funeral. Seems a sort of a joke. Read your own obituary notice they say you live longer. Gives you second wind. New lease of life. How many have-you for tomorrow? the caretaker asked.

I might have had a commission in South Africa but I decided that I preferred ruling in hell to serving in heaven, and declined to be a grey-haired Lieutenant and a nuisance to the Officers' Mess of the Corps I would not leave until compelled. In time I was compelled and I became Sergeant-Major of the Volunteer Rifle Corps here and husband of a well de mortuis nil nisi bonum.

Yet there have always been people who would quote this classical lie as if it were at least as authoritative as anything said in the Sermon on the Mount. It was said a long time ago, and in a strange language that was enough for them. In the same way they will say, "De mortuis nil nisi bonum."

"Let Cobbett of borough-corruption complain, And go to the De'il with the bones of Tom Paine." The two were classed together by English Conservatives, as "pestilent fellows" and "promoters of sedition." It is now fifty years since Paine died; but the nil de mortuis is no rule in his case. The evil associations of his later days have pursued him beyond the grave.

"Woe unto you when all men speak well of you!" quoted the Duchess sententiously. "It only happens when the turf is in our teeth," said the Count, "and then De mortuis is a motto our dear friends use more as an excuse than as a moral." "I do not like our Chamberlain, monsieur; I may frankly tell you so.

He worked like a horse, did Walker huge consulting practice hours a day in the clinical wards constant original investigations. And then he enjoyed himself also. 'De mortuis, of course, but still it's an open secret among all who knew him. If he died at forty-five, he crammed eighty years into it. The marvel was that he could have held on so long at the pace at which he was going.

The monk's eyes seemed to quicken, as though his interest in the outer world had suddenly revived. "It is the Hand of God," he cried. "Their evil ways have provoked at last the anger of Heaven. How did this unfortunate meet his death?" Garnache shrugged his shoulders. "De mortuis nil nisi bonum," said he.

"De mortuis nil nisi bonum is an excellent maxim, Thompson," remarked Willoughby. "It is that," retorted Mosey. "Divil a fear but they'll nicely bone anythin' in the shape o' credit. Toffs is no slouches at barrickin' for theyre own push. An' I'll tell you another dash good maximum, it's to keep off of weltin' a dyin' man." "Did you ever read Burke's Diary, Willoughby?" asked Thompson.