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Such was M. Badinot, the uncle of Madame de Saint Ildefonso, whose social position was the pride and security of Micou the Fence. "Madame Charles has just given you a letter?" said Badinot to the receiver. "Yes, sir; my nephew will soon return; in a moment he will be off again."

To say that Micou was in business and friendly relations with the Martials, is sufficiently to appreciate his morality. Micou was a corpulent man of about fifty years of age, with a low, cunning look, a pimply nose, and bloated cheeks; he wore an otter-skin cap, and was wrapped up in an old green garrick.

On a rascally-looking sign was to be seen, "Furnished Rooms;" on the right of an obscure alley opened the door of a shop not less obscure, where the proprietor was generally to be found. This man, whose name has been several times mentioned on Ravageur's Island, was Micou; openly a seller of old iron; but secretly he bought and sold stolen metal, such as iron, lead, copper, and tin.

Micou knew to what punishment he was subject, for having several times acquired, at a miserable price, the fruits of Nicholas's robberies, and of several others. He being arrested, the receiver found himself almost at the discretion of the bandit, who could point him out as his habitual fence.

"Be pleased to receive, madame, with this expression of the regrets of M. d'Orbigny the assurance of my most distinguished sentiments. The mother and daughter looked at each other, incapable of uttering a word. Micou knocked at the door and said, "Madame, can I come in for the postage and commission? It is twenty sous."

"Understood! she is an independent lady, because the old one pays her rent." "Hush, here is her maid." A woman rather advanced in life, wearing a white apron of doubtful purity, entered the shop. "What can I do for you, Madame Charles?" "Daddy Micou, your nephew is not here?" "He has gone on an errand to the post-office; he will soon return."

"That's all." "It is not much." "Get my goods ready at once, Daddy Micou, I will take them as I pass; I have some more errands to do." "With your cart? I say, I saw a bale of goods in the bottom; is it something more that you have taken from everybody's cupboard, little glutton?"

"Then don't forget my recipe: it will cure you." "Thank you, Father Micou. Good-bye," said Nicholas, taking his departure. The receiver, after having concealed the copper, busied himself in collecting the different articles for Nicholas, when a new personage entered the shop.

The noise of a chain shaken violently was heard; then a sigh of restrained rage. "Take care! take care! you will hurt your leg, poor dear papa!" said Tortillard. "The child is right; keep quiet, old pal," said the old woman; "the chain and rings are strong, old No-eyes; they come from old Micou, who only sells first rate articles.

The ham, hard eggs, cheese, and white bread, due to the forced liberality of Micou the receiver, were spread out on one of the benches, and Skeleton prepared to do honor to this repast, without feeling any inquietude concerning the murder he was about to commit. "Go and see if Pique-Vinaigre is never coming.