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Unless we both go!" She encountered his eye again, and added quietly: "No, I'll go alone." He sighed his relief. He could not help sighing his relief. And, after meticulously washing-up and straightening, she departed, and Priam remained solitary with his ideas about married life and the fiscal question. Alice was assuredly the very mirror of discretion.

Because of this he received no Christmas gift not, as he has said, because his father begrudged the copper more than any other Vermont storekeeper, but because he was meticulously careful himself and expected the younger generation to be likewise. This experience must have been etched upon Harvey's memory; no one can be more meticulous when his interest is aroused.

At the hotel in Dijon, the flourishing capital of Burgundy, I was amused to note how curiously my room differed from what I once regarded as the type of the French room in the hotels I used to frequent. There is still a Teutonic touch in the Burgundian; he is meticulously thorough.

Their emotions and conscience have been amputated and replaced by phantom imitations. But it is rare to pierce their meticulously crafted facade. They more often than not go on to great success and social acceptance while their detractors are relegated to the fringes of society. Both Meredith and Peter, who had the misfortune of falling in deep, unrequited love with Ripley, are punished.

Hina Keahi was well beloved by her people and her lightest commands were obeyed meticulously. Food had always been plentiful in Hawaii. The people cultivated their fields, which yielded bountifully. But one time the crops failed grew smaller and smaller and began to shrivel up and die. Soon a famine spread over the land.

And the voice of her conscience said to her that her first duty was to her parents. It was in accord with this awakened sense of duty that she undressed with great care and meticulously folded the clothes that she took off. Sometimes, but not very often, she threw them helter-skelter about the room.

And of an evening, when the store was closed, he sat over stale English newspapers and a map of the Crimea, and meticulously followed the movements of the Allies. But in this retirement he was rudely disturbed, by feeling himself touched on a vulnerable spot that of his pocket. Before the end of the year trade had come to a standstill, and the very town he lived in was under martial law.

Bill Jackson, having first meticulously exhausted the entire vituperative resources of the English, the Spanish and all the Indian languages he knew, finally poked the muzzle of the pistol into Woodhull's back. "Git, damn ye!" he commanded. "Center, guide! Forrerd, march! Ye " He improvised now, all known terms of contempt having been heretofore employed.

That better mediator is Jesus Christ. He does not change the voice of the Law, nor does He hide the Law with a veil. He takes the full blast of the wrath of the Law and fulfills its demands most meticulously. Of this better Mediator Paul says: "A mediator is not a mediator of one." We are the offending party; God is the party offended. The offense is of such a nature that God cannot pardon it.

But now some primitive instinct perhaps or some subconscious intimation of danger made him meticulously noiseless. He went on down a winding sound-deadening path of sand towards the drinking-place.