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The mountainous region of Brazil, of which the mean height rises at least to 400 toises, is comprehended within very narrow limits, nearly between 18 and 28 degrees south latitude; it does not appear to extend, between the provinces of Goyaz and Matogrosso, beyond longitude 53 degrees west of the meridian of Paris.

Ever since I took pen in hand I have dreamed of a poetic meridian that I have never approached until now!" "What must it be?" cried Anne, quivering with excitement and delight. "You have done more than other men already." "I have never written a great poetical drama. My faculty has been mainly narrative, lyric, epic, with dramatic action in short bursts only.

Whilst Wilkes was engaged in his explorations, i.e. in 1839, Balleny, captain of the Elizabeth Scott, was adding his quota to the survey of the Antarctic regions. Starting from Campbell Island, on the south of New Zealand, he arrived on the 7th February in S. lat. 67 degrees 7 minutes, and W. long. 164 degrees 25 minutes, reckoning from the Paris meridian.

From Corio Harbour* we proceeded to Hobson's Bay, for a meridian distance, the result of which was highly satisfactory, differing from our former measurement only five seconds.

Go out next Christmas Evening, and at midnight you will see the brightest of the fixed stars, Sirius, blazing in the southern sky not however due south from you, but somewhat to the left of the Meridian line.

A lone man walks the shores of Nantucket; his noble form is slightly bent, and with the raven of his hair is blended the faintest tinge of gray, though he is evidently a man to whom the meridian of life is yet far in the distance; his fine countenance is sad, yet as he gazes far out o'er the sea, deep in his piercing eye is a subdued look of resignation, shedding light over his features, which a stranger might attribute to a mind of happiness; and yet that look of sadness is oftenest triumphant, leading those who meet him for the first time to ask from whence he came, for his countenance betrays that his has been not the common lot of man.

It does not appear that his genius was sudden, or precocious in its development. It is said that his mind, naturally active and brilliant, gradually opened, until it reached its meridian splendor. Nor did his powers grow without any means to mature and perfect them.

Gresham, past the meridian of life, yet I cannot help flattering myself that this might be effected. If he would, by one bold effort, shake off these dependents, the evening of his days might yet be serene and happy. He wants friends, not protegees. I have advised him, as soon as his strength will permit, to take a little tour, which will bring him into your part of the country.

MILLER. One of a group of three moderately large ring-plains, of which Nasireddin is a member, near the central meridian in S. latitude 39 deg. Its massive border rises nearly 11,000 feet above the floor, on which stands a central peak. Miller is about 36 miles in diameter. NASIREDDIN. A somewhat smaller ring-plain on the S. of the last, and of a very similar type.

On the 23d, after waiting to obtain meridian observations, we moved down as far as the mouth of the river Linga, and then dispatched one of our Malay chiefs to the town of Bunting to summon Seriff Jaffer to a conference. This, however, he declined on a plea of ill health, sending assurance, at the same time, of his goodwill and inclination to assist us in our endeavors to suppress piracy.