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They are feared and disliked in those places, as too severe, if not smoothed and introduced by the graces; but of these graces, of this necessary 'beau vernis', it seems there are still 'quelque couches qui manquent'. Now, pray let me ask you, coolly and seriously, 'pourquoi ces couches manquent-elles'? For you may as easily take them, as you may wear more or less powder in your hair, more or less lace upon your coat.

Leading me mysteriously aside, he showed certificates from the officials at Le Plateau, dating from 1859, recommending him strongly as a shipbroker for collecting emigrants libres, and significantly adding, les negres ne manquent pas. Petit Denis's face was a study when I told him that, being an Englishman, a dozen negroes were not worth to me a single "Njina."

Have you seen a life of Madame de Stael by that Madame Neckar de Saussure, of whom Madame de Stael said, when some one asked, "What sort of woman is she?" "Elle a tous les talents qu'on me suppose, et toutes les vertus qui me manquent." Is not that touching and beautiful? Jan. 14. Poor Kitty Billamore breathed her last this morning at one o'clock.

For example, I proffer the constatation, 'Black ladders lack bladders. A self-evident truth, one on which it would not have been worth while to insist, had I chosen to formulate it in such words as 'Black fire-escapes have no bladders, or, 'Les echelles noires manquent de vessie. But since I put it as I do, 'Black ladders lack bladders, it becomes, for all its self-evidence, significant, unforgettable, moving.

'Non, said he simply; 'c'est une eglise ideale. The relievo was his favourite performance, and very justly so. The angels at the door, he owned, he would like to destroy and replace. 'Ils n'ont pas de vie, ils manquent de vie.

The creation by word-power of something out of nothing what is that but magic? And, I may add, what is that but literature? Half the world's greatest poetry is simply 'Les echelles noires manquent de vessie, translated into magic significance as, 'Black ladders lack bladders. And you can't appreciate words. I'm sorry for you." "A mental carminative," said Mr. Scogan reflectively.

They are feared and disliked in those places, as too severe, if not smoothed and introduced by the graces; but of these graces, of this necessary 'beau vernis', it seems there are still 'quelque couches qui manquent'. Now, pray let me ask you, coolly and seriously, 'pourquoi ces couches manquent-elles'? For you may as easily take them, as you may wear more or less powder in your hair, more or less lace upon your coat.

We caught a glimpse of the reception-saloons and the trying-on-rooms, all strewn with fragments of dresses, disjecta membra, mountains of silk, and peopled with automatic human mannequins, essayeuses, who, as the moralists will tell you, are all "vicieuses qui ne manquent de rien," and who are destined sooner or later to reinforce the demi-monde.