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Thostrup, you will like him; he is a really serious young man, of uncorrupted manners. Do you remember, Laide, how he hissed that evening in the theatre when they gave that immoral piece? And how angry he is with that 'Red Riding Hood? O, the good youth! Besides, in our family, you will soon meet with an old acquaintance in a fortnight a lady out of Jutland will come here.

They sleepe vpon barkes of trees laide all along vpon the ground being ouer-spread with the skinnes of certaine wilde Beastes, wherewith they also cloth and couer themselues. The thing most precious that they haue in all the world they call Asurgny: it is as white as any snow: they take it in the said riuer of Cornibotz, in the maner folowing.

All the five sisters had the idea that they were so extremely different, and yet they resembled each other to a hair. Adelaide, or Laide, as she was also called, was certainly the prettiest; that she well knew also, therefore she would have a fur cape, and no cloak; her figure should be seen. Christiane was what one might call a practical girl; she knew how to make use of everything.

The argument was still going on at the foot of the stairs. La Noyelle's voice could be heard repeating "a little glass." "I'm goin' to help Laide," said one, "or this'll last till tomorrow." The woman got up and went down the narrow stairs. Then came the sound of angry voices, heavy footsteps and blows.

He became a student a year before you. He sees you in the club sometimes." "There you will have seen him more amiable than you will find him at home," said Adelaide. "Heaven knows he is not gallant toward his sisters!" "Sweet Laide, how can you say so!" cried the mother. "You are always so unjust toward Hans Peter! When you become better acquainted with him, Mr.

Sir G. Mac sat last night at supper between Lady Bute and his future, who by the way is laide a faire peur. I was asking Lady Carlisle which was the most likely, some years ago, to have a Blue Ribband, du beau-pere et du gendre. Little Harry is not come to town. Sir Charles goes down into the country next week, but not Lady Sarah that I know of. I expect Hemmins every hour with the St. Andrew.

But the drunken girl had not gone to sleep at all; on the contrary, she was using every effort to get up the stairs again. "Laide, come and give me a hand, child. Laide, Laide," she cried. She evidently made no progress, for the calls still came from the bottom of the stairs, and became more and more persistent. Finally she began to cry. "Little Laide, little Laide, come to me," she wailed.

About 6. in the arternoone it became calme: we with saile and oares laide it to the Northeast part, hoping that way to cleare vs of it: for that way we did see the head part of it, as we thought. Which done, about 12. of the clocke at night we gate cleere of it. We did think it to be ice of the bay of Saint Nicholas, but it was not as we found afterwards.

And here euery man refreshed himselfe with a small portion of victuals which was laide into the boates for their dinners, hauing neither eate nor drunke all the day before.

"Oh! oh! the stairs are slipping; where am I?" A burst of laughter came from each bed. "It's cause yer ain't come in yet, Laide; that's why yer don't come. I'll go and find yer." "Now she's gone and we'll have some peace," said one. "No, she'll go to look for Laide and won't find her, and it'll all begin over again. Well never get to sleep." "Go and give her a hand, Laide," advised one.