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There is nobody to speak for Thomas except people who have theories to work off on him; and nobody understands Thomas except Thomas, and he does not always know what is the matter with himself. That is the prologue. This is the story: Corporal Slane was engaged to be married to Miss Jhansi M'Kenna, whose history is well known in the regiment and elsewhere.

But through ut all, up an' down, an' down an' up, wint Ould Pummeloe an' little Jhansi all we cud see av the baby, undher a dead man's helmut wid the chin-strap swingin' about her little stummick up an' down wid the wather an' fwhat brandy there was.

For Jhansi is in the Bundelcund, and the Bundelcund was born in great iniquity. The very name which properly is Bundelakhand, or "the country of the Bundelas" has a history thickly set about with the terrors of caste, of murder and of usurpation. He fled with his disgrace into this region, and after some years found opportunity at least to salve his wounds with blood and power.

Then two regiments broke out at Jhansi, and the whole of the Europeans, after desperately defending themselves for four days, surrendered on promise of their lives, but were instantly murdered. But before the news of the Jhansi massacre reached Deennugghur they heard of other risings nearer to them.

"An' that," said Mulvaney, illogically, "is the cause why little Jhansi McKenna is fwhat she is. She was brought up by the Quartermaster Sergeant's wife whin McKenna died, but she b'longs to B Comp'ny; and this tale I'm tellin' you-wid a proper appreciashin av Jhansi McKenna I've belted into ivry recruity av the Comp'ny as he was drafted.

The Peishwa gave Jhansi to a soubahdar: the British government then appeared, and effected an arrangement by which the soubahdar should retain it as hereditary rajah on the annual payment of twenty-four thousand rupees. This so-called rajah, Ramchund Rao, died without issue in 1835.

"At any rate," I said as Bhima Gandharva finished this narrative while we were walking about the burial-place of the rajahs of Jhansi, and occupying ourselves with tracing the curious admixture of Moslem with Hindu architecture presented by the tombs, "these rajahs, if they loved each other but little in life, appear to have buried each other with proper enough observances: the cenotaphs are worthy of tenderer remembrances."

Gandhi urged more strongly the duty of "Non-co-operation," and that, after having been for years conspicuous for political disaffection, it should have rallied so generally in support of the reforms shows how great is the change they have wrought amongst the Western-educated classes. Nowhere in the United Provinces was the electoral battle so fierce as in the town of Jhansi, where Mr.

As his uncle had done at Jhansi, thirty years before, so he himself would do on that nameless Pacific island for he didn't know even now on what shore he had landed. If the savages bore down upon them with hostile intent, and threatened Muriel, he would plunge his knife first into that innocent woman's heart; and then bury it deep in his own, and die beside her.

"I think I should be willing," I said to my companion, "to carry that horse to Jhansi on my own shoulders if I could have the pleasure of seeing him blown from one of the rajah's cannon in the, fort."