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This description made the vague boy of the woods real and vital for the first time in Priscilla's life, and she shuddered. Then Jerry-Jo generously offered to lend her one of the books until his father came back, and Priscilla eagerly stepped from stone to stone until she could reach the volume.

Jerry-Jo, he who played for me in the woods could never have been evil. Why, all his life he had been making himself into something big and fine. He put into words the things I had always thought and dreamed about an ideal was what he called it! And to think I never knew! And he remembered and wanted to be kind! I shall worship him now while I live.

While old Jerry went to the farmhouse with a package, Jerry-Jo remained on guard deeply engrossed in a book he had extracted from a box beneath the seat. He appeared not to notice Priscilla, who ran down the path to greet him in friendly fashion. The boy was about fifteen then, and all the bloods of his various ancestors were warring in his veins.

He was twenty-five when he started life, and Priscilla Glenn, back in forgotten Kenmore, was nearing nineteen, with Jerry-Jo in hot pursuit behind her. As to Anton Farwell, there was no doubt about his age now. Not even the very old called him young, and there was a pathos about him that attracted the attention of those with whom he had lived so long.

But now, in the hour of anguish and excitement, it held Ledyard's thought to the exclusion of everything else. "Who? where?" The questions ran through his mind and then, because every sense was alert, he knew! "Jerry-Jo!" Dick was calling, "where are the others?" It was a mad question, but the boy, huddling in the launch, replied quiveringly: "Gone! gone to the bottom off Dreamer's Rock."

Little Bear Island was the last one before the entrance to Big Bay, and when the launch passed that, either the wind had changed, or Tom, at the engine and Jerry-Jo at the sail, had lost nerve and head, for the boat became unmanageable. Sandy, keeping to the exact middle of the boat, called to Jerry-Jo to lower the sail, but Jerry-Jo did not hear, or failed to clearly comprehend.

That's a place which most honest people let alone. You'll like Boswell every one does after the first. He'll put you in the way of helping yourself, and your people may still hold their belief about you and Jerry-Jo, since it makes things easier for them." "Yes; they must believe that until " But Priscilla did not finish the sentence.

The easy-going people, the laughter and merriment appealed strongly to her, and again did she cause Jerry-Jo serious displeasure and arouse her father's lurking suspicions. "Watch her! watch her!" was his warning, and Theodora returned to her fears and tears. Anton Farwell had, little by little, accepted the fate of those who, deprived of many blessings, learn to depend on a few.

"Another cup of the tea, Mary Terhune, and make it stronger. I begin to feel the bitter in my toes." And while this talk and more like it was permeating Kenmore, Jerry-Jo, adorned and uncomfortable, did his own thinking and planned his own plans after the manner of his mixed inheritance.

"Put on your storm coat," cautioned Tom, "and you, too, Jerry-Jo; we'll get the wind when we pass Dreamer's Rock and strike the Big Bay." The boys got out their coats and put them on, and then Sandy said: "See what I've got! Snitched it from under the mother's eye, too!" He held up the bottles. Tom laughed, but Jerry-Jo reached out for one.