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When that lord of the world, the valiant Bhishma, having encountered Shikhandi, met with his death like a lion meeting with his at the hands of a jackal, what can it be but destiny? When the Brahmana Drona, that master of all weapons offensive and defensive, has been slain by the Pandavas in battle, what can it be but destiny?

Let now the mouse go and eat into its feet when it lieth asleep. And when this is done, let the tiger approach and seize it. Then shall we all, with great pleasure feast on it. Hearing these words of the jackal, they all set to work very cautiously as he directed. And the mouse ate into the feet of the deer and the tiger killed it as anticipated.

We read in the letters of the late Victor Jacquemont upon India, with regard to the incredible dexterity of these men: "They crawl on the ground, ditches, in the furrows of fields, imitate a hundred different voices, and dissipate the effect of any accidental noise by raising the yelp of the jackal or note of some bird then are silent, and another imitates the call of the same animal in the distance.

One day a jackal met her on her way to the field with her son's breakfast and told her to put down the food which she was carrying or he would knock her down and bite her; so she put it down in a fright and the jackal ate most of it and then went away and the old woman took what was left to her son and told him nothing about what had happened.

'Good morning, tortoise; good morning. But the tortoise took no notice. 'Good morning, tortoise; good morning. But still the tortoise pretended not to hear. Then the jackal said to himself, 'Well, to-day I have only got to manage a bigger idiot than before.

Then, with pardonable self-esteem when we think of what manner of man it was with whom he now compared himself, "Surely," said he, "it is better to become the prey of the lion than the jackal." "To the victim it can matter little," she answered, and he saw the tears gathering in her eyes. Compassion moved him. It rose in arms to batter down his will, and in a weaker man had triumphed. Mr.

You want the life, I the heart, the heart to torture first; and then why then more willingly than I do now, could I have thrown the carcass to the jackal!" "Listen!" began Varney; when the door opened and Helen herself stood unconsciously smiling at the threshold.

O, let her grace my spacious and beautiful palace, decked with various ornaments of gold, full of viands and drinks in profusion, with excellent plates, and containing every kind of plenty, besides elephants and horses and cars in myriads. And having consulted with Sudeshna thus, Kichaka went to princess Draupadi, and like a jackal in the forest accosting a lioness, spoke unto Krishna these words in a winning voice, 'Who and whose art thou, O beautiful one?

Now I will let him know we are also off;" and he, too, gave the jackal hunting-cry. Back out of the darkness came the chief's exultant war-cry, and on it a furious shout from the village, followed by the discharge of a rifle, and the rolling alarm of a war-drum.

The top of the old wall reached almost to my chin. Taking off my hat I thrust my head forward between two loose stones, that I might hear the better. The men were talking together in Sisutu. One, whom I took to be their captain, said to the others "That white-headed old jackal, Macumazahn, has given us the slip again.