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BY nature man is inclined to evil. This disposition originated in the apostasy and descends to the whole race, rendering them untractable and unreachable easily susceptible of bad impressions and indisposed to good ones. It appears and operates at a very early period of life. "The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray as soon as they are born speaking lies.

I could not but wonder at Lys' absence from the table, for she had always been one of the earliest risers in camp; so about nine o'clock, becoming apprehensive lest she might be indisposed, I went to the door of her room and knocked. I received no response, though I finally pounded with all my strength; then I turned the knob and entered, only to find that she was not there.

Whether it was that my disappointment at not seeing Berenice indisposed me to be pleased, or whether the chanting was not this day, or at this synagogue, as fine as usual, it certainly did not answer my expectations. However pleasing it might be to other ears, to mine it was discordant; and I was afraid that Mr. Montenero should perceive this.

The Eastern capitalists had at home so many rich avenues of plunder in which to invest their funds money wrung out of army contracts, usury and other sources that many of them were indisposed to put any of it in the unpopulated stretches of the far West.

A heart-breaking sigh emphasised the sentence, and Angela scrutinised her sister's face with increased concern. "Dear love, I fear you are hiding something from me; and that you are seriously indisposed," she said earnestly. "If I am I do not know it. But when one is weary of living there is only one sensible thing left to do if Providence will but be kind and help one to do it.

"It is strange indeed, Moses," said Nigel, who however added no commentary, feeling indisposed to pursue the subject. Seeing this, Moses turned to his master. "Massa," he said. "You don' want nuffin' more to-night, I s'pose?" "No, Moses, nothing." "An' is you quite easy in your mind?" "Quite," replied the hermit with his peculiar little smile.

He had tried severity. That, too, had failed. He had increased the searching force. That, also, had availed nothing. When, therefore, three of Donald's firmest friends approached the Major with the proposition that he should order the suspension of operations while he held an interview with the outlaw, they found him not indisposed to listen to the extraordinary proposal.

You are not so extravagant; you see that they suit his character, they may have happened: yet this is so romantic, that has so little evidence, a third is so confused in dates or in geography, that you are in matter of fact indisposed towards them. Others are probably true, others certainly.

Bravely, and without flinching, she sustained his look; and, in a firm voice: "I shall always be indisposed," she replied, "when M. Costeclar calls. You hear me, don't you, father always!" But the cashier of the Credit Mutual was not one of those men whose wrath finds vent in mere sarcasms.

This is the Circle of Konigsgratz, this that now lies to rear; and happily there are a few Hussites in it, not utterly indisposed to do a little spying for us, and bring a glimmering of intelligence, now and then.