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His jolly appearance and fine voice may be remembered by some of my male readers: he used to sing profusely in the course of the harmonic meeting, and his songs were of what may be called the British Brandy-and-Water School of Song such as 'The Good Old English Gentleman, 'Dear Tom, this Brown Jug, and so forth songs in which pathos and hospitality are blended, and the praises of good liquor and the social affections are chanted in a baritone voice.

"The Lily" has the passionate lyricism of Chaminade, and "Sweet Wind that Blows" is a fine frenzy. The "Nocturne" is dainty and has its one good climax. "Before the Dawn" has some of Chadwick's best work; it is especially marked by a daring harmonic you might say impasto. In the case of the cantata, "The Lily Nymph," Chadwick's art was quite futilized by the superb inanities of the book he used.

Nevertheless, at whiles, when there was a harmonic party at Bezuquet's, he would drop into the chemist's shop, as if by chance, and, after a deal of pressure, consent to do the grand duo in Robert le Diable with old Madame Bezuquet. Whoso never heard that never heard anything!

This reproduction includes the revelation of the characteristics of the poem itself, whether lyric, dramatic, or in other ways distinctive. It also reveals the musical significance of the composition to which the words are set. The melodic, rhythmic, and even harmonic values must be made clear to the hearer. But interpretation includes more than this reproduction, essential though it may be.

He enriched it with new melodic, harmonic and rhythmic devices adapted to itself alone, and endowed it with a warmth of tone-coloring that spiritualized it for all time. To the piano he confided all the conflicts that raged within him, all the courage and living hope that sustained him.

Faintly they seem to whisper, as round the boughs they wing; "We are the ghosts of the flowers who died in the early spring, Who died in the early spring." "My Turtle Dove," among the "Five Norman Songs," in fearlessness and harmonic exploration shows two of the strongest of Miss Lang's traits. Her récherchés harmonies are no pale lunar reflection of masculine work.

They seemed to us original in conception, accomplished and felicitous in treatment; they were full of melody and movement, full of harmonic surprises; they had style and they had 'go. One would have imagined they must please at once the cultivated and the general public. I could never understand why they weren't popular.

In the study of sound we can employ an acoustic apparatus for the purpose of decomposing any proposed note, and finding not only the main undulation itself, but the several superposed harmonics which give to the note its timbre. So also we can analyze the undulation of the tide, and show the component parts. The decomposition is effected by the process known as harmonic analysis.

Often you have the sensation of looking through a Renaissance window upon a Greek world a world of Platonic verities in calm relation with each other. It is essentially an art created from the principle of the harmonic law in nature, things in juxtaposition, cooperating with the sole idea of a poetic existence. The titles cover the subjects, as I have suggested.

His researches on the dynamo caused him to devise what he calls an 'harmonic engine. It consists of a tuning-fork, kept in vibration by two small electro-magnets, excited with three or four battery cells. It is capable of working a small pump, but is little more than a scientific curiosity.