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The coastguardsman had to shoulder the hamper when packed, as well as carry the empty water-jar; for, both Bob and Dick, whose respective burdens these had previously been, had rushed off soon after luncheon and when all interest in making a fire and boiling the kettle had ceased, down to the shore, where presently the truants were discovered.

Anything that shook my credit might hamper us in the immediate future. 'You are right, she said; and she held out her hand as to an old friend and equal. THE pistol had been practically fired.

He took no notice whatever of Flora de Barral. I don't think it was from prudence or any calculated motive. I believe he was so full of her aspects that he did not want to look in her direction when there were other people to hamper his imagination. You understand I am piecing here bits of disconnected statements. Next day Flora saw him leaning over the field-gate.

Here we found a very convenient corner, and squatted down, with the pie at our feet, behind a hamper, a box, a coil of rope, a sack of hay, and a very large ball, crossed four ways with rope, and with a rope-tail, which puzzled me extremely. "It's like a giant tadpole," I whispered to Fred. "Don't nudge me," said Fred. "My pockets are full, and it hurts." My pockets were far from light.

"It's water from the Jordan," he exclaimed furiously, "which I have been saving for the baptism of my eldest grandson. Damn you, Gelstrap, how dare you be so infernally careless as to leave that hamper littering about the cellar?" I wonder the water of the sacred stream did not stand upright as an heap upon the cellar floor and rebuke him.

We were therefore very agreeably surprised when the Spaniards, in response to our hail, at once consented to abandon the hulk, provided we would allow them to depart unmolested in their boat. This arrangement suited us very well, we being just then anything but anxious to hamper ourselves with prisoners, and the required promise was unhesitatingly made.

"There can be no two opinions about Miss Quincey." "I don't know. Miss Quincey," said Rhoda thoughtfully to her pencil, "is a large subject." "Yes, if you mean that Miss Quincey is a terrible legacy from the past. The question for me is how long am I to let her hamper our future?" "The future? It strikes me that we're not within shouting distance of the future.

On my way to luncheon I passed Dutch pushing a wheelbarrow containing a huge hamper. "It's vittles for the prisoner, sir," he remarked. "He's some feeder, that guy, and I guess the sooner we shake 'im th' better. He kicks on th' wine, sir. Says it's questionable vintage. When he gets tired readin' he pokes his head through the window and kids th' boys.

The Labour Party will soon learn the value of these polite demonstrations that it is always its duty not to hamper the governing classes in their very difficult and delicate and dangerous task of safeguarding the interests of this great empire: in short, to let itself be gammoned by elegant phrases and by adroit practisings on its personal good-nature, its inveterate proletarian sentimentality, and its secret misgivings as to the correctness of its manners.

Captain Robbins had begun to hail, the instant he thought himself near enough, or at the distance of a hundred yards; but what was the human voice amid the music of the winds striking the various cords, and I may add chords, in the mazes of a square-rigged vessel's hamper, accompanied by the base of the roaring ocean!