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Though these two historians have in some sort collected all that can be said concerning St Francis Xavier, I omitted not to take a view of what others have written on that subject; and chiefly the book of Nieremberg, which bears for title, "Claros Varones, or Illustrious Men;" the History of India, by Maffeus, and that of Jarrio; the Church History of Japan, by Solia; the Castilian History of the Missions, which the Fathers of the Society have made to the East Indies, and the kingdoms of China and Japan, composed by Lewis de Gusman; and, lastly, the Portuguese History of the Travels of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto.

Zamore, she was informed, had rushed straight from her apartment into the presence of Don Gusman, and had plunged a dagger into his enemy's breast. The hero had then turned to Don Alvarez and, with perfect tranquillity, had offered him the bloodstained poniard. J'ai fait ce que j'ai , j'ai vengé mon injure; Fais ton devoir, dit-il, et venge la nature.

Don Alvarez was in complete despair, and was just beginning to make another speech, when Don Gusman, with the pallor of death upon his features, was carried into the room. The implacable Governor was about to utter his last words. Alzire was resigned; Alvarez was plunged in misery; Zamore was indomitable to the last.

The people of that country make a kind of drink of a species of oats that are as large as quinces. Nunnez de Gusman was sent from Mexico, in 1531, with 500 soldiers, half of whom were cavalry, and 6000 Indians to carry his baggage and provisions, to discover and subdue the countries to the northwest of the kingdom of Mexico.

EMIRE: Que pouvez-vous, Madame? O Ciel! ALZIRE: Je puis mourir. Hardly was the epigram out of her mouth when the door opened, and an emissary of Don Gusman announced to her that she must consider herself under arrest. She demanded an explanation in vain, and was immediately removed to the lowest dungeon. Act V. It was not long before the unfortunate princess learnt the reason of her arrest.

The Island Princess, a Tragi-Comedy, revived in 1687 by Mr. Tate. A King and No King, a Tragi-Comedy, acted with applause. The Knight of the Burning Pestle, a Comedy, revived also with a Prologue spoken by the famous Nell Gwyn. The Knight of Malta, a Tragi-comedy. The Laws of Candy, a Tragi-Comedy. The Little French Lawyer, a Comedy; the plot from Gusman, or the Spanish Rogue.

Gusman went accordingly with, a ship in search of pearls, and explored above 150 leagues of the coast . It is said that Grijalva sailed 300 leagues from Tecoantepec, without seeing any land, except one small island in 20° N. to which he gave the name St Thomas, as having been discovered on the day of that saint .

ZAMORE: Reconnais ton amant. ALZIRE: Zamore aux pieds d'Alzire! Est-ce une illusion? It was no illusion; and the unfortunate princess was obliged to confess to her lover that she was already married to Don Gusman.

The story is true in every particular, and the adventurer surpasses Gusman d'Alfarache in address, according to the report of some persons present. Madame de Pompadour thought of having a play written, founded on this story; and the Count sent it to her in writing, from which I transcribed it. M. Duclos came to the Doctor's, and harangued with his usual warmth.

She consented; but, even as she did so, she was still faithful to Zamore. 'Sa foi me fut promise, she declared to Don Gusman, 'il eut pour moi des charmes. Il m'aima: son trépas me coûte encore des larmes: Vous, loin d'oser ici condamner ma douleur, Jugez de ma constance, et connaissez mon coeur.