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"Lord, how some of that Somaliland-Uganda crowd would turn a beautiful pea-green if they saw it! I don't know what you chaps think, but it strikes me that we are on mighty thin ice all this time." I had the same feeling of mystery and danger around us. In the gloom of the trees there seemed a constant menace and as we looked up into their shadowy foliage vague terrors crept into one's heart.

The former took place in the beginning of May, and was called Beltane or "fire of God." On this occasion a large fire was kindled on some elevated spot, in honor of the sun, whose returning beneficence they thus welcomed after the gloom and desolation of winter. Of this custom a trace remains in the name given to Whitsunday in parts of Scotland to this day.

"It's still there, but has gone out of fashion." "Oh, excuse me! I'm not posted on these fashionable things." Ben relapsed into gloom. The model remained untouched. He could not give Graciella a house; he would not have a house until his uncle died.

Marguerite's gaze, however, did not rest on the distant landscape it tried to pierce the gloom that hid her immediate surroundings; the mounted men were all round the coach more closely round her than the trees in the forest.

Then suddenly the gloom left her face: she had remembered that the "engagement" was just three weeks old and was a profound secret, not only to the bridegroom elect, but to all the world as well save herself! Billy was very happy after that. She sang about the house all day, and she danced sometimes from room to room, so light were her feet and her heart.

I ran up it and through the gloom which precedes the actual dawn, saw a group of men gathered round something, as people collect about a street accident. "Red-Beard on the stone. They are killing him," screeched Hans again.

All bowed their heads and crossed their hands over their breasts as he spoke, and after a little silence he went on, 'The last of the Villac-Umus who stood where I am standing told your fathers and mine of the near-approaching night of gloom and desolation that was about to fall upon the Land of the Four Regions.

Then this light gradually disappeared: a murky gloom settled down upon the conflagration, as of dying fires at midnight, and a cool wind from the mountains rose and died away, and rose again, and swept along in gusts, and shook the trees, making them grate and moan. Verty rose to his feet. "In five minutes we shall have a storm," he said. "Come, Redbud and Miss Fanny."

Catherine's breezy side and the woodlands far away, The huge Cathedral sleeping in venerable gloom, The modest College tower, and the bedesmen's Norman home." Very early in the morning, even according to the habits of the time, were Stephen and Ambrose Birkenholt astir.

For the Vicar was full of gloom and of suspicion in the half hour before prayer-time, and at the spurt of the match he might come out blustering and insist on knowing what she was doing and where she was going, whereas presently he would know, and he might be quiet as long as he was satisfied that she wasn't shirking Prayers.