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At any rate he heard. For the air passed through the tiny fronds of the feather through the veined web of its delicate resistance round the hollow stem and across the fluffy breadth of it with a humming music as of wind among the telegraph wires, only infinitely sweet and far away.

When the boy came back, the farmer took the bunch of rags, smeared them liberally with wet gunpowder, and tied them into a loose, fluffy ball, on the end of a length of salmon-twine. Then, having thrown the rope over the limb of the sycamore, he held both ends, and sent the hired boy up into the tree, where he sat astride, grinning and expectant, and peered into the well-worn hole.

Nobody but a friend could be so angry as that. I became a little crestfallen. Our chief engineer also took a characteristic view of my action, but in a kindlier spirit. He was young, too, but very thin, and with a mist of fluffy brown beard all round his haggard face.

For a leopard cannot change his spots, and a girl will not the colour of her locks and lashes when she happens to be fairly well satisfied with Nature's work. Pamela's mother-in-law, la Comtesse douairière, wears a lovely, fluffy white thing over her own diminishing front hair, which I once heard her describe, when struggling to speak English, as her "combination."

She was on her knees beside him, all fluffy and sweet and beautiful, her eyes shining wonderfully, her hands about to touch him. Should he cringe back? Should he snap? Was she one of the things on the wall, and his enemy? Should he leap at her white throat? He saw the man running forward, pale as death.

The Leonardo hands were delicate, long of finger, expressive and full of life; the hair was wavy, fluffy, sun-glossed, and it seemed as if you could stroke it, and it would give off magnetic sparks; but Leonardo's best feature was the eye the large, full-orbed eye that looked down so that you really never saw the eye, only the lid, and the long lashes upon which a tear might glisten.

So he bought her a lavender shoulder shawl that caught his fatherly eye in a show window, because it was so soft and fluffy. But it will shrink and fade the first time it is washed till Agnes Dorothea will look like a homeless cat if she wears it. Still she will persist in putting it on because dear father brought it to her from Washington."

"On'y here, Master Mark," replied the boy. "Candle's gone out." "Why, Dummy! Have we been to sleep?" "I s'pose so, Master Mark. Po-o-o-o-f-f-uf! There we are!" He had obtained a light, the match burning up brightly, and then the candle, after the fluffy wick had been burnt and blown. "How tiresome! I don't know, though. I feel rested."

They seemed to favor all kinds of fluffy and flimsy things; they were explosions of all the colors of the springtime. There were leaves and flowers and fruits and birds in their hats; and there were elaborate filmy veils to hold the hats on. They descended from the motor, and Samuel had glimpses of ribbons and ruffles, of shapely ankles and daintily slippered feet.

"Oh I wish he was ours!" Down on his four legs dropped the big white dog, and with another wag of his fluffy tail he came straight for Flossie. "Be careful!" warned Mamma Bobbsey. "He won't hurt her!" declared Bert. "That's a good dog, anyone can tell that. Here, doggie; come here!" he called. But the dog still advanced toward Flossie, who shrank back a bit timidly.