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Ross greatly desired to plant at the south magnetic pole the flag that had been displayed at the north magnetic pole in 1831, but he was unfortunately caught in the pack-ice and compelled to abandon the attempt. Two volcanic mountains were discovered on an island near Victoria Land. These mountains Ross named Erebus and Terror from the two ships in which he sailed.

The skeletons were always incomplete. Sometimes nothing but a skull could be found in the vicinity of a grave, and, again, often the skull would be missing. At one place we could distinguish four right femurs, and could therefore be positive that at least four perished here. This was at the boat place marked on Erebus Bay.

She wouldn't me," said Erebus with even greater conviction than the Terror had shown. "I don't think she would," said the princess with a faint sigh; and she looked at Erebus with envious eyes. "But when she starts making a fuss and gets so red and excited, she she rather frightens me." "It would take a lot more than that to frighten me," said Erebus with a very cold ferocity.

But it's just as well that they have, or that ingenious brother of yours would be in a fine mess. As it is, I think we can go on teaching our young Pomeranian not to be so high-spirited." He chuckled again. He walked on briskly; and on the way to Little Deeping, he drew from Erebus the full story of their poaching.

The proximity of this Diatomaceous bed to Mount Erebus would easily explain how these minute shells might be found abundant in the fine dust ejected from that volcano.

He represents "Darkness," or "the West," corresponding to the Erebus of the Greeks. Anat or Anata has no peculiar characteristics. As her name is nothing but the feminine form of the masculine Ana, so she herself is a mere reflection of her husband. All his epithets are applied to her, with a simple difference of gender.

RYNCHANA GREYI. Richardson, Ichth. of Voy. of Erebus and Terror, p. 44 pl. 29. f. 1. 6. Native name, PINING or WAUNUGUR, not certain. Not known to the sealers. Pupil like that of the shark elliptical, with the long axis vertical. When the skin was removed the flesh was very fat, resembling that of the eel, had an unpleasant smell, and could not be eaten.

The British Government, realizing the necessity for better magnetic charts of the south polar regions, and urged by the scientific societies of England, sent out a second expedition to the antarctic under the command of Sir James Ross. The expedition sailed from England in the fall of 1839 in the Erebus and Terror, both of which were subsequently lost in the unfortunate Franklin expedition.

The echo had a thrill of awe that made one's flesh creep and hair stand on end. If one called spirits there from the vasty deep, and they did not come, yet they certainly answered from the dark shadows of the rocks falling around the lurid glare of the torches, the only light on the river of Erebus.

The Terror locked Captain Baster's portmanteau; and as he placed the keys beside the shaving-brush, he said coldly: "That'll teach him not to be so careless." Erebus giggled; then she took the water-jug and filled one of Captain Baster's inviting dress-boots with water. Wiggins rocked with laughter. "Don't stand giggling there! Why don't you do something?" said Erebus sharply.