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He failed to answer the summons to-day, and the constable sent to look him up has been unable to find him. Durgin was in the bar-room of the tavern at eight o'clock last night; he has not been seen since." "He was not in the yard this morning. You have let him slip through your fingers." "So it appears, for the moment." "You still doubt me, Mr. Taggett?"

The part he had played in Slocum's Yard was now an open secret, and had produced an excitement that was not confined to the clientele of Snelling's bar-room. It was known that William Durgin had disappeared, and tdhat the constables were searching for him. The air was thick with flying projectures, but none of them precisely hit the mark.

She asked him to wait a moment when he brought her wraps. She stood before him in her gay garb, wistfully appealing. "Frank, I was intending to have a little play of my own with you at the hall to-night. I was going to look right past that Durgin boy, straight down into your eyes, when I came to a certain place in the play.

If you think there's any danger of Milt not tendin' to his clammin' proper whilst she's here you'd better send him on a cruise with Cap'n Durgin. The Tryout sails for the Banks to-morrow, I understand." "No, Washy. That was my A'nt Matildy I went away to help bury ten years ago. She's still dead an' this ain't her daughter. This is my ha'f sister's child, she that was Miriam Card.

"What's crazy in wanting to go off on a drive and choose your own party?" "Do you know them?" Mrs. Durgin repeated to Westover. "The Vostrands? Why, yes. I knew Mrs. Vostrand in Italy a good many years ago, and I've just been calling on her and her daughter, who was a little girl then." "What kind of folks are they?" "What kind? Really! Why, they're very charming people " "So Jeff seems to think.

After service several shook hands with them; but Louise noticed that many cast curious glances at the black silk handkerchief on Cap'n Amazon's head and did not come near. Despite his dignity and the reverence of his bearing, he did look peculiar with that 'kerchief swathing his crown. Gusty Durgin, the waitress at the Cardhaven Inn, claimed acquaintanceship after church with Louise.

"But I don't really see," her aunt pursued, "what occasion he had to be angry with you in this instance." "Oh, I do!" said Bessie. "Mr. Durgin isn't one to inspire the casual beholder with the notion of his spiritual distinction.

"Why, n-nothing extra, only some sweeping, and cleaning out the refrigerator." "Sweeping! Cleaning! You! I thought Mrs. Durgin did that." "She does. I mean she did. But she couldn't come. She broke her leg fell off the stepladder where she was three days ago. So I had to do it. And to-day, someway, everything went wrong.

Durgin his sincere compliments on her success as they sat in the old parlor, which she had kept for herself much in its former state, and she accepted them with simple satisfaction. "But I don't know as I should ever had the courage to try it if it hadn't been for you happening along just when you did," she said. "Then I'm the founder of your fortunes?" "If you want to call them fortunes.

This reflection was precisely in Mr. Taggett's line. In absconding Durgin had not only secured his own personal safety, but had exonerated his accomplice. It was a desperate step to take, but it was a skillful one. "He had an accomplice?" repeated Mr. Taggett, after a moment. "Who was it?" "Torrini!" "The man who was hurt the other day?" "Yes." "You have grounds for your assertion?"