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To be sure the warnings have had little effect thus far in preventing such marriages, and it is doubtful whether they will, unless the prophecy of an extremist writing for one of our periodicals comes to pass that the time is not far distant when such marriages will be a crime punishable by law.

But it was doubtful if the engineer heard his words. He had dropped his hand, stood opening and shutting his fingers, while on his face grew the hard implacable look that always whetted the attorney's curiosity. Weir walked up on the hillside when Martinez had ridden away and there sat down on a rock.

I went from group to group to form an opinion, but people drew back with sealed faces, or mechanically raised their arms heavenwards. And we knew no better what to think now that we were at last informed. We went back into the court, the passage, the room, and then I said to Marie, "I go on the ninth day a week, day after to-morrow to my depot at Motteville." She looked at me, as though doubtful.

However that might be, no one was responsible for Veronica, but Veronica herself, unless Cardinal Campodonico still had some authority over her, which seemed more than doubtful. The old Duca made him a formal visit, and a formal proposition.

'Is that Affery? said Arthur, looking towards it. The cracked voice replied that it was Affery: and an old woman came forward into what doubtful light there was, and kissed her hand once; then subsided again into the dimness.

Dreadful was the shock And perilous to Rustem; but when Rakush Perceived the contest doubtful, furiously, With his keen teeth, he bit and tore away The dragon's scaly hide; whilst quick as thought The Champion severed off the ghastly head, And deluged all the plain with horrid blood.

Strictly speaking, it is doubtful if Toro ever was a city; at one time it seems to have possessed an ephemeral bishop, at least such is the popular belief, who must have reigned in his see but a short time, as at an early date the city was submitted to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Astorga.

She hesitated, reddened a little, and then, as sweetly and innocently as a child, put up her lips for him to kiss. Hannibal St. John's campaign for reelection to the senatorship was, owing to a grievous error in tact, of doubtful issue.

I reckoned there would be the gem'en and his wife, an' perhaps two growed-up sons, though Mike, he was doubtful about the growed-up sons, especially as to thar bein' two of them. Then I reckoned thar'd be a darter, just about your age, Miss, an' then there'd be two younger chillen, one a boy an' one a girl, an' a gov'ness for these two.

It is very doubtful whether a revolution involving such an immense territory and so many millions of people as are involved in this one could be effected with less bloodshed than has thus far marked the Chinese revolution.