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Do you choose this, of all times, to heap your calumny upon the head of an honourable gentleman, already prostrated by your murder of his son? Proofs we demand your proofs!" "We've got the very assemblymen themselves," came back the answering shout. "Let Derrick speak. Where is he hiding? If this is a lie, let him deny it. Let HIM DISPROVE the charge."

Pompey proclaimed that he went in fear of his life from his violence; refused to appear in the Senate lest he should be assassinated, and even left his house to live in his gardens, which could be more effectually guarded by soldiers. In the Senate Milo was accused of having arms under his clothing, a charge which he had to disprove by lifting up his under garment.

By no means, Sir, you had much better Have them in your Posteriors: for then the Ladies Can never disprove you; they'll not look there. Fal. The sooner, you Fool, for the Rarity on't. Lab. Sir, the Novelty is not so great, I assure you. Fal. Go to, y'are wicked; But I will have them in my Face. Lab. With all my heart, Sir, but how? Fal.

What Honest Abe may be able to prove I know not, but I am sure that he can not disprove the fact that Mr. Davis has been kind and generous to me. For that I can not ever cease to be grateful. I should have married him before now but for one singular circumstance. My little boy can not be made to like him. He will have nothing to do with Mr. Davis. He will not be bribed or coerced.

'Not so much that. The Company can run without me quite well now I am certain of it. He spoke as though he was endeavouring to assure himself of what he said. 'But it won't hurt you, really, she exclaimed. 'You can disprove the charges, and of course you must, I know you hesitate for my sake to bring an action and expose the writer.

If you will not believe me, I can but refer to the course of events. A day or two days' patience will prove or disprove what I have averred concerning the young Scot, and I will be contented to die on the wheel, and have my limbs broken joint by joint, if your Majesty have not advantage, and that in a most important degree, from the dauntless conduct of that Quentin Durward.

"Look here," I said, laughing, "you've not only considered me, you've considered me more than once, and seriously!" "You have always," she said, "charmed me far more than was good for me." I answered her mocking look with one as mocking. "I should like," I said, "nothing better than to disprove all the things you think about me." "You never will." "Do you know what I think about myself?

Braithwaite lurched forward, folding his arms on the table. His voice was thick with passion when he spoke. "What you tell me sounds mad; but you'd gain nothing by telling it if it were not true." "Nothing," Tabs confirmed. "No, nothing. If it weren't true, I could go to the telephone and disprove your falsehood inside of ten minutes." "You could."

The Verrazzano map, in its present phase, not claiming to have been made before the year 1529, could not, therefore, have furnished the original representation of the western sea, or have been the one used by Lok. Hakluyt adds to his statement that Verrazzano had been three times on the coast of America, which, if true, would disprove the discovery set up in the letter.

Mebbe she'll git tired o' him after he's bin run through the mill two or three times, and there's more o' him in the graveyard than there is walkin' to church with her. Cheer up." Shorty tried to disprove the charge as to the subject of his thoughts by falling to furiously and with such precipitation that he spilt his coffee, upset the molasses-jug, and then collapsed in dismay at his clumsiness.