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Au jardin des amours ta place est réservée, Parmi des feux de joie et des lilas en fleurs. Viens réveiller en nous de nouvelles ardeurs Descends avec la nuit, ainsi que la rosée Tant que l'astre d'argent sourit

Furthermore the deed empowered Symon, Bishop of Worcester or any priest he might appoint, to unite in marriage the Knight Crusader, Hugh d'Argent, and Mora de Norelle, sometime Prioress of the White Ladies of Worcester. The Knight walked back to the hearth and stood before the Bishop, the parchment in his hand. "My Lord Bishop," he said, "do I dream?" Symon of Worcester smiled. "Nay, my son.

The true one, I take it to be, that she has just received a very great sum of money from France, or the Empress queen, or both, for that purpose. 'Point d'argent, point de Russe', is now become a maxim.

However, to lose no time, while one of the clerks was drawing my picture, or, in other words, taking down a minute description of my person, I sent my keys to the custom-house, in order that my baggage might be examined. By what conveyance I was to proceed to Paris was the next point to be settled; and this has brought me to the Lion d'Argent.

He told me that he should be at the Tillac d'Argent this evening." "And what did he offer?" asked Marguerite. "Two napoleons." "That makes forty francs." "Yes," said Fantine; "that makes forty francs." She remained thoughtful, and began her work. At the expiration of a quarter of an hour she left her sewing and went to read the Thenardiers' letter once more on the staircase.

"Absolution!" she cried, a little further on. And at last, reading rapidly, in tones of uncontrollable anger and indignation: "'Empowers Symon, Lord Bishop of Worcester, or any priest he may appoint, to unite in the holy sacrament of marriage the Knight-Crusader, Hugh d'Argent, and Mora de Norelle, sometime Prioress of the White Ladies of Worcester. Sometime Prioress?

Hugh d'Argent sat speechless, returning the Bishop's steady gaze. No fear was in his face; only a great surprise. Presently into the eyes of both there crept a look which was half-smile, half-wistful sorrow, but wholly trustful; a look to which, as yet, the Bishop alone held the key. "So you know, my lord," said Hugh d'Argent. "Yes, my son; I know." "Since this morning?" "Nay, then!

Louviers remains in the memory as a town whose church is more crowded with elaborately carved stone-work than any outside Rouen. There is something rather odd, in the close juxtaposition of the Hotel Mouton d'Argent with its smooth plastered front and the almost overpowering mass of detail that faces it on the other side of the road.

To use the dancer he had engaged du Locle had Gallet and Guiraud improvise a short act, Le Kobold, which met with great success. The dancer was exquisite. Then du Locle lost interest in Le Timbre d'Argent and then came the failure of the Opéra-Comique. During all these tribulations I was preparing Samson, although I could find no one who even wanted to hear me speak of it.

If you have ever been in Bourges, you may have seen the little Rue Sous-les-Ceps, the Cours du Bat d'Argent and de la Fleur-de-lys, the Rues de la Merede-Dieu, des Verts-Galants, Mausecret, du Moulin-le-Roi, the Quai Messire-Jacques, and other streets whose ancient names, preserved by a praiseworthy sentiment or instinctive conservatism, betoken an ancient city still inhabited by old-fashioned people, by which I mean people attached to the soil, strongly marked with the stamp of the provincial in manners as in language; people who understand all that a name is to a street its honor, its spouse if you will, from which it must not be divorced.