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In a moment the ice round the ship was rent, and upheaved, as if some leviathan of the deep were rising from beneath it, and the vessel swung slowly round. A loud cheer burst from the men. "Now, lads, heave with a will!" roared the captain. Round went the capstan, the windlass clanked, and the ship forged slowly ahead, as the warps and hawsers became rigid.

"Cheer up a little!" She slowly turned her head, and looked at him with a dull surprise. "Didn't you say he had told you every thing?" she asked. "Yes." "Don't you despise a woman like me?" Arnold's heart went back, at that dreadful question, to the one woman who was eternally sacred to him to the woman from whose bosom he had drawn the breath of life.

Hip, hip, hurrah! one cheer more hurrah! And the usually demure Hamilton actually danced then and there, in his exultation, some steps of a music-hall breakdown. His face was aflame with delight. The Dictator and Sarrasin both looked at him with an expression of sympathy and admiration. But there were different feelings in the breasts of the two sympathising men.

A cheer followed his remark, for at that moment it was seen that our hero had reached the tail of the eddy which was caused by the hull of the wreck, and that one of her crew had darted from the cover of the vessel's bulwarks and taken shelter under the stump of the mainmast.

"You must have courage for both of us, for I am useless. My leg has been badly injured by a piece of shell, and I cannot even crawl." "Then there is nothing to do but wait for the light," Lucia was trembling all over. "Oh, what a long day it has been!" "But the dawn will come soon," the soldier tried to cheer her, "and then perhaps the stretcher-bearers will find us. If they do not "

"We want to show you a Cavalier's Christmas," she told him at dinner, he seated at her side in the place of honour, while Angela sat at the other end of the table between Fareham and De Malfort. "For ourselves we care little for such simple sports: but for the poor folk and the children Yule should be a season to be remembered for good cheer and merriment through all their slow, dull year.

I was taught that a woman's place was with her husband and children; or, if she had none, with her family. I tried to teach you so, my dear." "Well," said Evelyn, "I'm here yet. I haven't Alison's excuse. Cheer up, mother, the world's no worse than it was." "I don't know about that," answered Mrs. Waring. "Listen!" ejaculated Eleanor. Mrs. Waring's face brightened.

At last the hoarse roll of a drum was heard, and the head of an infantry column was seen advancing up the road. They passed beneath a rock on which a little group of officers were standing, and as they went a cheer of "Vive l'Empereur!" broke from them. I strained my eyes towards the place, for now I knew the Emperor himself was there.

"I hope not," tossed back Peaches, and rode on down the trail that leads over Indian Ridge to Marysville and the south. Racey watched him out of town. Then he went to Mike Flynn's to see and, if it were possible, to cheer up his wounded friend, Swing Tunstall. But he was not allowed to see him.

As for the Ideal Society, show it me and I will say what I think. In spite of its false psychology the Cynic conception of life had a great effect in Greece. Here indeed, it seemed, was a way to baffle Fortune and to make one's own soul unafraid. What men wanted was τὸ θαρρεῖν 'to be of good cheer'; as we say now, to regain their morale after bewildering defeats.