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As the navigation would be closed during the month of November, the above figures may be taken as representing not quite the whole amount transported for the year. It may be presumed the 52,000,000 of bushels, as quoted above, will swell itself to 60,000,000. I confess that to my own mind statistical amounts do not bring home any enduring idea.

Then the distances are curiously relative. It has been found that if we place the following line of numbers, and add 4 to each, we shall have a series denoting the respective distances of the planets from the sun. It will stand thus 4 7 10 16 28 52 100 196 Merc. Venus. Earth. Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. Uranus.

These mines, therefore, are in Chinese hands. I do not know what their capacity is supposed to be, and in view of the price at which they were sold, it cannot be very great. The capital of the Hanyehping Co. is $20,000,000, which is considerably more than £52,000. Next comes the Taochung Iron Mine, Anhui province.

"Once again these old eyes have seen this fair haven," the Ancient Mariner, beside them gazing, babbled; and Daughtry could not help but notice the way the wheat-farmer and the pawnbroker pricked their ears to listen and glanced each to the other with scant eyes. "It was in '52, in 1852, on such a day as this, all drinking and singing along the decks, we cleared from Sydney in the Wide Awake.

"He was buried outside the grave-yard, at the top of the hill, as near as might be to the granite head-stone that recorded the virtues of 'Ye most faithful Servant and Man of God Silus Timothy Lorrimer Who for 52 Yrs did Minister to This Ch and Congregation in Spiritual Things. 'The faithful Memory of The Just Shall Flourish When they turn To Dust.

But they have killed poor Captaine Golding in The Diamond. Two of them, one of 32 and the other of 20 odd guns, did stand stoutly up against her, which hath 46, and the Yarmouth that hath 52 guns, and as many more men as they. So that they did more than we could expect, not yielding till many of their men were killed.

The best phase for observing Hommel and its surroundings is when the W. wall is just within the evening terminator. PITISCUS. The most regular of the Vlacq group. It is 52 miles in diameter, and is surrounded by an apparently continuous rampart, except on the E., where there is a crater, and on the S.W., where it abuts on Hommel h.

This condition of things may account for the feebleness of the efforts made in B.C. 52 to retaliate on the Romans the damage done by their invasion. A few weak bands only passed the Euphrates, and began the work of plunder and ravage, in which they were speedily disturbed by Cassius, who easily drove them back over the river. The next year, however, a more determined attempt was made.

At noon our latitude was 58 degrees 31 minutes south and longitude 70 degrees 7 minutes west, which is near seven degrees to the eastward of our situation on the morning of the 9th instant, when we had advanced the farthest in our power to the westward, being then in 76 degrees 58 minutes west, three degrees to the west of Cape Deseada, the west part of the Straits of Magellan; and at this time we were 3 degrees 52 minutes to the east of it and hourly losing ground.

Published in 1825. Service of the Earl of Eglintoun, p. 8. Buchan's Account of the Earls Marischal, p. 125. Eglinton Case. Patten, p. 52. Patten, p. 54. Life of the Earls Marischal, p. 130. Reay's History of the Late Rebellion. Dumfries, 1718. Reay, p. 139. Now of Sir Charles Stuart Menteath, Bart. Reay, p. 184. Id. Id. p. 211. Reay, p. 257. Patten, pp. 224-235. Colonel Hooke's Negotiations.