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Comte, Cours de philosophie positive, vi. 321 sqq.; Buchez, Introduction a la science de l'histoire, i. 99 sqq. More recently M. Jules Delvaille has attempted to trace its history fully, down to the end of the eighteenth century. His Histoire de l'idee de progres is planned on a large scale; he is erudite and has read extensively. But his treatment is lacking in the power of discrimination.

A smaller squadron, consisting of forty vessels, English and Flemish, was commanded by Lord Seymour, second son of Protector Somerset; and lay off Dunkirk, in order to intercept the duke of Parma. * Monson, p. 321. Monsm, p. 267 * Lives of the Admirals, vol. i. p. 451.

PARTICULARS are in universals as parts in a whole, 261. Whoever knows universals, may afterwards comprehend particulars, 261. Obs. Particulars taken together are called universals. PARTNER. Those who have lived in love truly conjugial, after the death of their married partners, are unwilling to enter into iterated marriages, the reason why, 321. See Married Partners.

SECOND SAMNITE WAR. The establishment by the Romans of the military colony of Fregellae, in connection with other encroachments, brought on the second Samnite war, which lasted for twenty-two years. The prize of the contest was really the dominion over Italy. A great misfortune befell the Roman arms in 321.

Soon after this division Perdic'cas, then the most powerful of the generals who retained control in the East, and had the custody of the infant Alexander, proclaimed himself regent, and at once set out on a career of conquest. Antigonus, Antipater, Craterus, and Ptolemy leagued against him, however, and in 321, after an unsuccessful campaign in Egypt, Perdiccas was murdered by his own officers.

For the current fiscal year the total revenues, actual and estimated are $385,000,000, and the ordinary expenditures, actual and estimated, are $293,000,000, making with the sinking fund a total expenditure of $341,321,116.99, leaving an estimated surplus of $43,678,883.01.

He must have known what Froude meant. Yet the whole effect of his comments must have been to make the readers of The Saturday Review think that Froude was attacking the Church, when he was attacking the Crown for its conduct to the Church. + History of England, vol. xi. p. 321. Freeman seemed to glory in his own deficiencies, and was almost as proud of what he did not know as of what he did.

MURRAY, Truth of Revelation, p. 321. The same scrupulous avoidance of a strict translation has been pursued in other versions. For Jehovah, the Septuagint substitutes "Κύριος," the Vulgate "Dominus," and the German "der Herr," all equivalent to "the Lord." The French version uses the title "l'Eternel."

The Son, he maintained, is of a nature similar to not the same as that of the Father, to whom the Son is subordinate. This heresy obtained such currency in the Church that, in 321, a provincial synod at Alexandria excommunicated Arius, who in his learned writings had set them forth since 318.

Ripley, George: a party, 149; The Dial, 159; Brook Farm, 164-166; on Emerson's limitations, 380. Robinson, Edward, literary rank, 34. Rochester, N.Y., speech, 168. Rome: allusions, 167, 168; growth, 222; amphora, 321. Romilly, Samuel, allusion, 220. Rose, anecdote, 345. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, his Savoyard Vicar, 51, 52.