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Leslie, puzzled in turn. "The Zariba Dam." "That!" exclaimed Mr. Leslie, and his face cleared. "H'm, what about the dam?" "I had about thrown it up. I'm giving Tom a go at it." Mr. Leslie's eyebrows bristled in high curves. "What! wasting time with a man like that? If you've given it up, we'll try England or Europe." "No use. Plenty of good men over there. They can give us pointers on some things.

I looked it up in the magazine that told about his helping to back the Zariba Dam project." "That's another leg noosed on the second throw," said Gowan. "Another try or two, and we'll have the skunk ready for hog-tying." "How's that?" exclaimed the cowman. "You've got something up your sleeve." "No, it's that striped skunk that's doing the crooked playing," snapped Gowan.

After repelling the attacks of other Mahdists and making good his position on the Nile, the new commander came into touch with Gordon's steamers, which arrived there on the 21st, with 190 Sudanese. Again, however, the advance of other Arabs from Omdurman caused a delay until a fortified camp or zariba could be formed.

But I've been given work and a chance at one of the biggest things in hydraulics the Zariba Dam, out in Arizona." "You're not going away?" Calmly as she tried to speak, she could not entirely repress an under-note of apprehension. Slight as was the betrayal of feeling, it enheartened him immensely. He beamed up at the palm crests that brushed the glazed dome.

"It seems he's unloaded the Zariba project onto the Coville Company." "Thought it couldn't be put through, eh?" said Blake. "Bet he didn't let it go for nothing, though." "It's not often he comes out at the little end of the horn," replied Griffith. "Didn't take the Coville people long to wake up to the situation. Look here."

"At least you cannot keep me from praying for you," she said. "That's true; and it will be a help to know how you feel about it now," he admitted. "You will come again soon?" "No, not until I begin to see my way out on the Zariba Dam." "Oh, that will be soon, I'm sure." "I hope so. Good-bye!"

Ashton shrugged cynically, and urged the wine on Blake. "Come on! One glass wouldn't hurt a fly. I've heard of your wonderful success with the Zariba Dam. I want to congratulate you." "Congratulate that's it!" replied Blake, in a harsh, strained voice. "Best man wins. Loser gets out of the way. All right. I'll take the short-cut." He reached out his bandaged right hand to take the glass.

Why, if only I'd known in time that they were lost, I'd have put in my scratch drawings and won on them. I tell you, Grif, that truss was something new." "Oh, no, there's no inventiveness, no brains in your head, oh, no!" rallied Griffith. "Wait till you make good on this Zariba Dam." "You just bet I'll make a stagger at it!" cried Blake.

Every one feared that he would hold fast to Omdurman and fight the new crusaders from house to house. Possibly the seeming weakness of the zariba tempted him to a concentric attack from the Kerreri Hills and the ridge which stretches on both sides of the steep slopes of the hill, Gebel Surgham. A glance at the accompanying plan will show that the position was such as to tempt a confident enemy.

"Oh, I hope you don't think it possible to water our mesa!" she cried. "I told you how it would break up our range." "I assure you, I don't think at all," he replied. "I'm not a reclamation engineer never specialized on hydraulics." She flashed an odd look at him. "You never? But Mr. Blake that wonderful engineer of the Zariba Dam he would know, wouldn't he?"