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I saw the mules brought within the zariba, helped to set up my camp bed, took the cartridges out of my shot gun, and, telling Salam to say when supper was ready, fell asleep at once. Eighteen busy hours had passed since the mueddin called to "feyer" from the minaret above the Tin House, but my long-sought rest was destined to be brief. Priest attached to the Mosque. The Angels of Judgment.

Ashton moistened his lips, hesitated, and asked in an uneasy tone: "About about how long do you expect to stay? I suppose you will stay, won't you?" "Well, three or four days, maybe. As you probably know, Grif screwed the company up to offer me a stiff salary on the strength of that Zariba work, I suppose.

"You've shown him Ashton's bridge plans?" "Not yet. He's been too busy on the Zariba field books." "You've seen his own plans for the bridge?" "No. They were lost." "The originals, I mean his preliminary copy. He must have kept something." "Yes. But I guess they're pretty wet by now," replied Griffith, his face crackling with dry humor. "They're aboard that steamer, down on the African coast.

Squadrons of Egyptian horse and a battery of Maxims confronted the Dervish horsemen ranged along; the front of a dense scrub to the left of the zariba. As the converging lines advanced, they were met by a terrific discharge; fortunately it was aimed too high, or the loss would have been fearful.

On they came in unnumbered throngs, until, pressing northwards along the sky-line, their lines also topped the Kerreri Hills to the north of the zariba. Their aim was obvious: they intended to surround the invaders, pen them up in their zariba, and slaughter them there.

He'd butt his head against a stone wall, if she told him to. Hell! just when he had his chance at last!" "His chance?" "I've been figuring it as a chance. Supposing he had pulled off this big Zariba Dam, he'd have felt that he had made good. It might have brought around that change the doctors tell about. Don't you see? It might have fixed that broken cog straightened him up somehow for good.

"I have not the slightest thought of such a project. I am merely out for sport." She eyed him uncertainly. "But We get all the reports There is an Ashton connected with that wonderful Zariba Dam, just being finished in Arizona." "That is my father. He is interested in it with a Mr. Leslie. They are financing the project. But I have nothing to do with it, nothing whatever, I assure you.

"Had you not forced him into what I cannot but consider an unfair test of his strength, he would not have fallen. Griffith tells me that he was well along toward a solution of the Zariba Dam. Had you not caused this unfortunate interruption in his work, he might soon have proved himself a master engineer. That would have strengthened him in his fight against this hereditary curse."

Leslie was in the midst of his phonographic dictation. He abruptly stopped the machine and whirled about in his swivel-chair to face the engineer. "Sit down," he said. "How's the Zariba Dam?" "No progress," answered Griffith with terse precision. He sat down with an air of complete absorption in the act, drew out an old knife and his pipe, and observed: "You didn't send for me for that."

On this side, too, Colonel Broadwood and his Egyptian cavalry did excellent service by leading no small part of the Dervish left away from the attack on the zariba. At the middle of the fiery crescent the assailants did some execution by firing from a dip in the ground some 400 yards away; but their attempts to rush the intervening space all ended in mere slaughter.