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Updated: August 24, 2024

On a pavement, such as that of a railway station, the sound obtains immense sonority; and a crowd will sometimes intentionally fall into step, with the drollest conceivable result of drawling wooden noise. 'Tera e yuke!

"That he will, like a lamb." Dick wanted to look after the cattle. "Yuke, my girl," said Phoebe, "listen. He has been a good friend of ours in trouble; and now he is not quite right HERE. So be very kind to him, but be sure and bring him back, or keep him till we come." "Me bring him back alive, certain sure," said Ucatella, smiling from ear to ear.

I have been obliged to return to the European hotel not because of the noon-meal, as I really begrudge myself the time necessary to eat it, but because I cannot make Cha understand that I want to visit a Buddhist temple. Now Cha understands; my landlord has uttered the mystical words: 'Tera e yuke!

Saite yuke toya, ano ya wo saite; Yuke ba chikayoru nushi no soba. 'What is that? I ask my friend. He answers: 'A love-song. "Go forward, straight forward that way, to the house that thou seest before thee; the nearer thou goest thereto, the nearer to her shalt thou be."

"You no more sense dan a sheep yourself," said Ucatella loftily. "No, no: God bless you both," cried poor Phoebe: "now I know the worst:" and a great burst of tears relieved her suffering heart. Dick went out softly. When he got outside the door, he drew them all apart, and said, "Yuke, you ARE a good-hearted girl.

At some distance a very large dam glittered in the sun, and a troop of snow-white sheep were watering at it. "ENGLAND!" cried Christopher. "Ay, sir," said Phoebe; "as nigh as man can make it." But soon she began to fret: "Oh, dear! where are they all? If it was me, I'd be at the door looking out. Ah, there goes Yuke to rouse them up." "Come, Pheeb, don't you fidget," said Dick kindly.

"Shut thy eyes, and let us have Yuke." "Iss, master: here I be." "You can bleat like a lamb; for I've heard ye." "Iss, master. I bleats beautiful;" and she showed snowy teeth from ear to ear. "Well, then, when the varmint are at our heels, draw in thy woolly head, and bleat like a young lamb. They won't turn from that, I know, the vagabonds."

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