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Sergeants shouting and corporals cursing; transport-officers giving directions; a party of New Zealand sharp-shooters in scout hats and leggings laughing and yarning; a patrol of the R.E.'s Telegraph Section coming in after repairing the wires along the beach; or a new batch of men, just arrived, falling in with new-looking kit-bags.

'One of the real right sort, says I. 'Then see here, says he, 'I'll tell you something: the head man of that there gang is at this minute a-sitting yarning with your boss in the parlour. 'The devil! says I. 'Is so, says he, 'and no flies. So I sings out, 'Mr.

Just now, yarning with the apprentices on board, he had heard that this very voyage, brought up in the Downs, outward bound, she broke her sheer, struck adrift, and lost an anchor and chain. But that might have occurred through want of careful tending in a tideway. All the same, this looked as though she were pretty hard on her ground- tackle. Didn't it? She seemed a heavy ship to handle, anyway.

"It was that yarning last night about going home that put me up to it," said the captain. "Well, 'and over," said the clerk. "I'll 'ave a shy," and he retired a little distance to the shade of a canoe. The others remained under the purao.

I could do better at that, for I have some talent for yarning, they say. Wilkie Collins and George Eliot make heaps of money with their pens. Yes, I believe I'll try it." And so Neil shut himself in his room for some hours each day, and commenced the story which was to make his fortune.

They make their wives rise out of their beds early in the morning, at the same time that they lye and snore, til the sun has run one third of his course.... Then, after stretching and yarning for half an hour, they light their pipes, and, under the protection of a cloud of smoak, venture out into the open air; tho' if it happens to be never so little cold, they quickly return shivering into the chimney corner.... Thus they loiter away their lives, like Soloman's sluggard, with their arms across, and at the winding up of the year scarcely have bread to eat.

After the labors of the day are over, the men gather around the fire, and the social hour of the day is spent in yarning. The stories told may run from the sublime to the ridiculous, from a true incident to a base fabrication, or from a touching bit of pathos to the most vulgar vulgarity. "Have I ever told this outfit my experience with the vigilantes when I was a kid?" inquired Bull Durham.

A correspondent of the New York Times described him as he appeared at one of these functions. "Here one minute, there the next now congratulating the President, then complimenting Mrs. Lincoln, bowing and scraping, and shaking hands, and smiling, laughing, yarning and saluting the crowd of people whom he knew."

They were sitting at the western end of the rouseabouts' hut, enjoying the breeze that came up when the sun went down, and smoking and yarning. The "case" in question was a wretchedly forlorn-looking specimen of the swag-carrying clan whom a boundary-rider had found wandering about the adjacent plain, and had brought into the station.

And yet that pitiful cabin, the white-faced woman running to the door so often that she knew not what she did, and the little rosy boy, who had put out his arms so trustfully! Peter broke into their grewsome yarning. "Lord, but you’re like a lot of old women just come from a funeral!" "Whin the carpse died hard, and th’ wake was a success." Costigan turned over.