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I don't suppose he looked at me half a dozen times the whole while I was in his camp. When he spoke he talked just as if he were sitting yarning in a row of half a dozen of us. Presently he said suddenly, and giving the fire a vicious dig with his poker: "That house must be finished by Christmas." "Why?" I asked, taken by surprise. "What's the hurry?"

Some smaller buildings the icehouse, the powder house and a sort of stable for the canoes completed the number. Nearly every man had a little bedroom meagerly furnished with pictures from old illustrated papers adorning the walls. The living room where they sat at night or on off days, yarning, smoking, and drinking, was a great hall.

But presently, from the opposite side of the fire, some one began to sing, in a rich barytone, a dirgelike thing that caught the attention of first one then another of the men, making them stop their yarning and knife-throwing to listen. The tune, in its homely power to evoke the image of the ceremonial of death, was more or less familiar to most of them.

Gustave Kahn called him un puissant rêveur, and might have added, a wonderful spinner of yarns. Such yarns for men and women and children! At times yarning seemingly for the sake of yarning true art-for-art, though not in the "precious" sense.

Powell came in for breakfast; and after the first awkwardness of meeting a man you have been yarning with over- night had worn off, we discovered a liking for each other." As I had discovered the fact of their mutual liking before either of them, I was not surprised. "And so you kept in touch," I said. "It was not so very difficult.

She mentioned one day, yarning, that she liked a stroll by the creek sometimes in the cool of the evening. I thought she'd be off that day, so I said I'd go for a fish after I'd knocked off. I thought I might get a bite. Anyway, I didn't catch Lizzie tell you about that some other time. "It was Sunday.

All this while I was yarning away, though I had to shout to the top of my voice in order to overcome the noise of the machinery, as I described all that had occurred. I did not speak to unheeding ears. "By Jove, Haldane!" cried Stoddart, who was a man of action if ever there was one.

"A sleep will do you more good than yarning about. You know, you're getting to fancy things too much!" "I'm sure I'm not, Sir! I'm perfectly well. "That will do!" he interrupted, sharply. "You go and have a sleep." I gave a short curse, under my breath, and went slowly forrard. I was getting maddened with being treated as if I were not quite sane. "By God!" I said to myself.

"I see you've been yarning with him yonder," said the publican, who seemed to have relaxed wonderfully. "Yes." "You know these parts, don't you?" "Yes. I was about here as a boy." He asked me what my name might be. I told him it was Smith. He blinked a while. "I never heard of anyone by the name of Smith in the district," he said.

He went out with Sir Leopold McClintock I think; but all I know is, that he once was up a whole winter in the Polar Sea, and there had got laid on his back with scurvy, besides having his toes frost-bitten, as he frequently told us when yarning amongst the crew of an evening.