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My very pleasant friend himself, as well as others who remember old stories, will no doubt be surprised, when I observe that John Wilkes here shews himself to be of the WARBURTONIAN SCHOOL. It is nevertheless true, as appears from Dr. Hurd the Bishop of Worcester's very elegant commentary and notes on the 'Epistola ad Pisones.

"My good woman," he said, "can you be faithful to a distressed cavalier?" "I will die sooner than betray you," was her devoted answer. Charles ate his rustic meal with a more hopeful heart than he had had since leaving Worcester's field. The loyal devotion of these humble friends cheered him up greatly. As night came on the rain ceased.

The former would have told us what piratical adventures Captain Green achieved in the 'Worcester; the latter, if it spoke of Captain Drummond in Madagascar, would have proved that the captain and the 'Speedy Return' were not among the 'Worcester's' victims.

Scudamore, answered Dorothy; 'not until we have first spoken in my lord Worcester's or my lady Margaret's presence. Scudamore fell behind, followed her a little way, and somewhere vanished.

Bryant has not left it doubtful that he knows what pure and vigorous English is, whether in verse or prose, or that he could not employ it except to maintain a well-grounded conviction. Apart from more general considerations, there are several reasons which would induce us to prefer Dr. Worcester's Dictionary.

This chance our Government, thanks to Mr. Worcester's initiative and sustained interest, is giving them, the first and only one they ever have had.

His speculations on laws would have been of no more practical use than Lord Worcester's speculations on steam-engines.

I retired to my study, consulted London, Lindley, and Linnæus, the thick Gray, the middling Gray, and the child's Gray, Worcester's Dictionary, and Webster's, in both of which you can usually find almost anything but what should be there, Johnson's "Dictionary of Gardening," and Gardner's "Dictionary of Farming," and none of these treatises mentioned the quantity of potatoes proper for planting a given space of land.

I don't believe they say what the papers put in their mouths any more than that a friend of mine wrote the letter about Worcester's and Webster's Dictionaries, that he had to disown the other day. These newspaper fellows are half asleep when they make up their reports at two or three o'clock in the morning, and fill out the speeches to suit themselves.

Worcester's asking food for them, they were told they could have camotes, but no rice; that rice was the food of men and warriors, and camotes that of women and children, and that the Igorots were not men. This almost upset the apple-cart, for the Igorots in a rage at once demanded to be released from their confinement so as to show these Ifugaos who were the real men.