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"It is very unkind of you!" she pouted, hardly doubting that she would gain her point. "You never kept anything from me in your life before." Gabriel took her hand and looked with strange, wistful eyes into her pretty face. "I am keeping nothing from you now," he said. "It is your wedding-gift that I am fashioning; but you must be content to wait its completion before you see it.

Carroll wore the mauve and the amethysts, and was by many considered handsomer than either of her daughters. There had been some discussion about giving the amethysts to Ina for a wedding-gift, but finally a set of wonderful carved corals, which she had always loved and never been allowed to wear, were decided upon.

Maggie had listened with an interest that wore all the expression of candour. "Oh, you left it for me. But what did you take?" He looked at her; first as if he were trying to remember, then as if he might have been trying to forget. "Nothing, I think at that place." "What did you take then at any other? What did you get me since that was your aim and end for a wedding-gift?"

I said, "why, she's the daughter of the biggest chief on Arhnu. I didn't think any white man could get her, even if he gave her people a boat-load of dollars as a wedding-gift."

After that, a great historian says, "the Flemish and Brabantine cities were mere dens of thieves and beggars." The Spaniards ruled over Belgium, which was now called the "Spanish Netherlands," till a daughter of Philip's, Isabella by name, married an Austrian Archduke called Albert. They received Belgium as a wedding-gift.

It saves so much worry, and tends to health." Suddenly he turned to the desk and opened a tin box. "Here is further practice for your admirable gift." He opened a paper. "I want you to sign off for this building leaving it to my absolute disposal." He spread the paper out before her. She turned pale and her lips tightened. She looked at him squarely in the eyes. "My wedding-gift!" she said.

"What Ballzeboob's tricks are y'at now?" Pierre was complacently eyeing his handiwork on the saddle. He now settled back with his shoulders to the wall, and said: "See, then, it's a little promissory note for a wedding-gift to Ida.

I want my gift, and I will give you your paper with the Queen's head on it. Those little lives, those pretty little dears, you will not see them die. If there is a way, any way, you will save them. Sometimes one man can do what twenty cannot. You were my wedding-gift: I claim you now." She paused, and then motioned to the nurse, who laid the piece of brown paper in Macavoy's hand.

"Aw, now, Hilton, is it you, is it you, that's pluckin' the rose av the valley, snatchin' the stars out av the sky! aw, Hilton, the like o' that! Travel down I did yesterday from Fort Ste. Anne, and divil a word I knew till Pierre hit me in the eye wid it last night and no time for a present, for a wedding-gift no, aw no!" Just here Ida reached up and touched him on the shoulder.

But you are impatient. It's no matter. Wait till to-morrow morning." "No. I am awake now. Tell me, and be done with it, Del." "But I shall want your opinion, you know." "Oh, will you tell me, Del?" "Well, it is this. How do you think a handsome, a very handsome chess-table would do?" "Do! for what?" "Why, for my aunt's wedding-gift, you know." "Oh, that!