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But for the Gentiles, 'tis no wonder; because Diseases, and Health; Vices, and Vertues; and many naturall accidents, were with them termed, and worshipped as Daemons. But for the Jewes to have such opinion, is somewhat strange.

But the Writers of Morall Philosophie, though they acknowledge the same Vertues and Vices; Yet not seeing wherein consisted their Goodnesse; nor that they come to be praised, as the meanes of peaceable, sociable, and comfortable living; place them in a mediocrity of passions: as if not the Cause, but the Degree of daring, made Fortitude; or not the Cause, but the Quantity of a gift, made Liberality.

The Vertues. It comforteth the Stomach and Heart, it helpeth concoction. Candied Cherries, the Italian way. Take Cherries before they are full ripe, the stones taken out, put clarified sugar boiled to a height, then pour it on them. Chicory Roots candied the Italian way.

Another Muse they tell us, they have dissolv'd into a Liquid, and kept with wondrous Art, the Vertues of which are Soveraign against Ideotism, Dullness, and all sorts of Lethargick Diseases; but if given in too great a quantity, creates Poesy, Poverty, Lunacy, and the Devil in the Head ever after.

My Lords, here's Don Fernando relates to me Two stories full of wonder; one of his daughter, Fam'd for her vertues, faire Eleonora, Accusing Don Henrico, youngest sonne To noble Pedro Guzman, of a rape; Another of the same Henrico's, charging His elder brother Manuell with the murther Of Pedro Guzman, who went late to France. Gyr. Are all the parties here? Fer. Enter Jaylour, Bustamente, Guard.

Which could not proceed from any thing else than from that barbarous cruelty of his, which together with his exceeding many vertues, rendred him to his soldiers both venerable and terrible; without which, to that effect his other vertues had served him to little purpose: and some writers though not of the best advised, on one side admire these his worthy actions, and on the otherside, condemn the principal causes thereof.

By ensample of which excellente poets, I labour to pourtraict in Arthure, before he was king, the image of a brave knight, perfected in the twelve private morall vertues, as Aristotle hath devised, the which is the purpose of these first twelve bookes: which if I finde to be well accepted, I may be perhaps encoraged to frame the other part of polliticke vertues in his person, after that hee came to be king.

Thei sette asmuche by truthe alone, as by all other vertues together. Age hath there no prerogatiue, except thei winne it with their wisedome, and knowledge. Thei haue many wiues, whiche thei vse to buye of their parentes for a yoke of Oxen. Some to serve them as their vndrelynges, and some for pleasure, and issue.

The greatest Souls are as capable of the greatest Vices, as of the most eminent Vertues: And those who move but very slowly, may advance much farther, if they always follow the right way; then those who run and straggle from it.

There also they practice daunsing, and other noblemen's pastimes, as they use to do, which are brought up in the king's house. On the working dayes, the most of them apply themselves to the studye of the lawe, and on the holye dayes to the studye of holye Scripture; and out of the tyme of divine service, to the reading of Chronicles. For there indeede are vertues studied, and vices exiled.