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There may be an unmanifested God, and certainly is; but the only God who exists for us is the God in man, the active and living principle of human nature. "I regarded Jesus Christ as divine in the sense in which all men are divine, and human in the sense in which all men are human.

Thus there is a Heaven and Hell in the Middle Distance, a Pneumatic and Hylic state. The Lord of this Middle World is One in his own Aeon, but in reality a reflection of the triple radiance from the Unmanifested Logos. This Lord is the Manifested Logos, the Spirit moving on the Waters. Therefore all its emanations or creations are triple.

"There were types of life the Atlantean system knew it might revive life unmanifested to-day in any bodily form," was the sentence he caught with his return to the actual present. "A type of life?" he whispered, looking about him, as though to see who it was had joined them; "you mean a soul? Some kind of soul, alien to humanity, or to to any forms of living thing in the world to-day?"

That certain sultanism of his brain, which had otherwise in a good degree remained unmanifested; through those forms that same sultanism became incarnate in an irresistible dictatorship.

It is the passing of the undifferentiated into differentiation, of the unmanifested into manifestation, of the unlocalized into localization. It is the ushering in of what the Brahminical books call a "Manvantara" or world-period, and in like manner our Bible says that "In the beginning was the Word."

By the worship of the Unmanifested one end is attained; by the worship of the manifested, another. Thus we have heard from the wise men who taught us this.

On, and on, and on, with Deific power, God moves in ever-increasing whirls of evolution. Thus came the answer of the ages: "From primeval force, from the mighty breath of unmanifested being, through every phase of action and reaction, from the energies of storm and lightning, from star-dust to sunlight, has come the spirit of man!" And the Astral Brethren understood.

He is manifested as the Lord of sacrifice for those who follow the path of ritual He is the unmanifested, eternal, universal Supreme Being for those who follow the path of wisdom. The "other shore," being the realm of immortality, is said to be beyond fear; because disease, death, and all that which mortals fear, cease to exist there.

Again science tells us that that which remains in an unmanifested or potential state must at some time or other be manifested in a kinetic or actual form. Therefore we shall get other bodies, sooner or later. It is for this reason said in the "Bhagavad Gita": "Birth must be followed by death and death must be followed by birth."

The tornado of whirling, flashing, chaotic life swirled and drove through the darkness of chaos of nothing from nothing and that great, unknown abyss is God! But the life is EVOLUTIONARY. Deity is progressive, so never can man cease to be. Never can he return to that awful center of nothingness, or be absorbed within the bosom of the unmanifested being.