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It pained me exceedingly to listen, for an hour, to my own dull and unilluminated lecture. Those people really wanted to hear whatever the lecturer should say: and I wandered back to the depressing hotel with bowed head, actuated by a new resolve to tell them something worthy on the morrow.

Also the interior of the hut was thickly hung with bunches of dried herbs and other objects, the precise nature of which Dick was at first unable to determine in the comparative obscurity of the interior, passing at once, as he did, from the blazing sunshine of the open direct into an interior which was unilluminated save by such light as penetrated through the low, narrow entrance.

At A a large part of the luminous crescent is composed of the planet's surface reflecting the sunshine; at B the ratio of the reflecting surface to the illuminated atmosphere has diminished, and the latter has extended, like the curved arms of a pair of calipers, far around the unilluminated side of the disk; at C the atmosphere is illuminated all around by the sunlight coming through it from behind, while the surface of the planet has passed entirely out of the light that is to say, Venus has become an invisible globe embraced by a circle of refracted sunshine.

But it is not so easy to apply or justify the principle in the case of the obscure masses, whose lives are uneventful, unilluminated by talent, charm, or conspicuous service, and who, as individuals at least, it might appear, could well be spared without impairing the progress of the human race. And yet this doctrine of the worth of all is the cornerstone of our democracy.

Where the lake had been as a metal mirror for the stars, it rippled and dimpled and gleamed with the tints of mother-of-pearl. He knew the sun must be on the farther slope of the Green Mountains, because the face they turned toward him was dense in shadow, like the unilluminated portion of the moon.

Day, who did not grumble, but who nevertheless knew herself to be a martyr, would rise from her delicious rest in her chair over the fire, accompanied by Deleah to hold the candle, would descend to the cellar to cut the cheese both the women were terrified of the cellar, the unilluminated caves and corners, the beetles, the rats.

Certain enigmatical spots of light, seen at the edge of the illuminated disk of Mars, and projecting into the unilluminated part for Mars, although an outer planet, shows at particular times a gibbous phase resembling that of the moon just before or just after the period of full moon have been interpreted by some, but without any scientific evidence, as of artificial origin.

The dark space which lies in the direction of the unilluminated part is what we call a SHADOW. Properly speaking, shadow signifies a bodily space, the form of which depends upon the form of the illuminating body, and upon their opposite position with regard to each other.

The multiplication-table is for the every day use of every day earth-people, but the symbols he deals with are too vast, sometimes, we must own, too vague, for the unilluminated terrestrial and arithmetical intelligence.

The head of this crank-pin is first made spherical, then faced off at an angle with the axis of b, and in the sloping face is firmly fixed the long screw, S, forming the support for the moon, M, which is caused to rotate about the axis of S, by means of the wheel, F, equal to and engaging with D. The upper end of S projects slightly through a perforation in the moon, and to it the hemispherical black shell or cap, G, is fixed by the screw, K; this cap represents the unilluminated part of the moon, and since G, s, b, and B, are in effect but one piece, the cap moves precisely as the crank does.