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Updated: August 20, 2024

And Twitt drew himself up with a kind of reproachful dignity "Now, old David, don't go for to say as you don't think so too?" "Cremation unchristian? Well, I can't say I've ever thought of it in that light, it's supposed to be the cleanest way of getting rid of the dead " "Gettin' rid of the dead!" echoed Twitt, almost scornfully "That's what ye can never do!

An' there'll be no expense at all for I tell ye just the truth I've grown to like ye that well that I'll carve ye the pruttiest little tombstone ye ever seed for nothin'!" Helmsley smiled. "Well, I shan't be able to thank you then, Mr. Twitt, so I thank you now," he said. "You know a good deed is always rewarded, if not in this world, then in the next."

But Helmsley reassured him. "Yes, Twitt? Don't stop! what then?" "Why, then," said Twitt, almost tenderly, "ye'll 'ave our good old parzon to see ye properly tucked under a daisy quilt, an' wotever ye wants put on yer tomb, or wotever's writ on it, can be yer own desire, if ye'll think about it afore ye goes.

In this anxiety, however, all the neighbours took a share, so that he was well watched, and more carefully guarded than he knew, on his way down to the shore and back again, Abel Twitt himself often giving him an arm on the upward climb home.

Ye're far better off by yerself with the washin' an' lace-mendin' business." Mary was silent. "It's all very well," proceeded Mrs. Twitt "for 'im to say 'e knew yer father, but arter all that mayn't be true. The Lord knows whether 'e aint a 'scaped convick, or a man as is grown 'oary-'edded with 'is own wickedness.

Why, Twitt would 'a given 'im a job in the stoneyard if 'e'd 'a known. He'll never find a thing to do anywheres on the road at 'is age!" And the news of David's sudden and lonely departure affected her more powerfully than the prospect of Mary's marriage, which had, in the first place, occupied all her mental faculties.

The Lord's everywhere, east, west, north, south, why he's with us at this very minute!" and Twitt raised his eyes piously to the heavens "He's 'elpin' you an' me to draw the breath through our lungs for if He didn't 'elp, we couldn't do it, that's certain.

Twitt; she only had that peculiar turn of mind which is found quite as frequently in the educated as in the ignorant, and which perceives a divine or a devilish meaning in almost every trifling occurrence of daily life. A pin on the ground which was not picked up at the very instant it was perceived, meant terrible ill-luck to Mrs.

Twitt came in, somewhat out of breath, on account of having climbed the village street more rapidly than was her custom on such a warm day as it had turned out to be, and straightway began conversation. "Wonders 'ull never cease, Mis' Deane, an' that's a fact!" she said, wiping her hot face with the corner of her apron "An' while there's life there's 'ope!

When tackled on the subject of their religious opinions, most of them declined to answer, except Mr. Twitt, who, fixing a filmy eye sternly on the plain and gloomy face of Mr. Arbroath, said emphatically: "We aint no 'Igh Jinks!" "What do you mean, my man?" demanded Arbroath, with a dark smile.

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