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His throat rumbled thunderously; the words came with stormy bitterness. "You think this is a time for young men to be lyin' on beds of ease? I tell you there never was such a time before; there never was such opportunity. The sluggard is despoiled while he sleeps yes, by George! if a man lays down they'll eat him before he wakes! but the live man can build straight up till he touches the sky!

It was shut, and except for the lazy wisps of smoke issuing from the chimney, there was no sign of life about the place. The lieutenant knocked thunderously. No answer. "Try again," said Peggy; "maybe they are in some other part of the house." "Perhaps they were scared of the aeroplane and have all retired into hiding," suggested Mr. Bradbury.

He was toying with the idea of making a jaunt on his own account to Thibet, when a merciful Providence gave him something definite to think about. It was Saturday morning. I was shaving peacefully in my dressing-room when Jaffery, after thunderously demanding admittance, rushed in, clad in bath gown and slippers, flourishing a letter. "Read that." I recognised Liosha's handwriting.

And the evening service at Whortley church at the evening service surplices were worn the chanting and singing, the vague brilliance of the numerous candle flames, the multitudinous unanimity of the congregation down there, kneeling, rising, thunderously responding, invariably inebriated him. Inspired him, if you will, and turned the prose of his life into poetry.

Far away where the pale tower of the lighthouse lifted staunchly against the greenish gray sky, the surf was rolling in from the open sea, the waves charging up the strand one after the other like huge white horses, their manes of spume tossed high by the breath of the gale. Black was the sea, and streaked angrily with foam. Thunderously did it roar and break over the Gull Rocks.

Eight hundred pounds a day will barely "jestify his stummuck," as Uncle Remus would say, and when he gets hungry "he wants what he wants when he wants it," and trumpets thunderously till he gets it.

Meanwhile, Old Hurricane pursued his journey a lumbering, old-fashioned stage-coach ride across the mountains, creeping at a snail's crawl up one side of the precipice and clattering thunderously down the other at a headlong speed that pitched the back-seat passengers into the bosoms of the front ones and threatened even to cast the coach over the heads of the horses.

Below me the engines trampled thunderously. Ahead there were the lights, and the figure of the look-out, and the rush and hurry of the water. Astern, far astern already, were the port, the ships at anchor, and the winking light on the Point. A bugle abaft called the passengers to dinner, and I watched them as they went from their cabins.

'Shoreward, then; eastward, every ship! became, ultimately, Conflans's plan. On the whole, it was 2 in the afternoon before Hawke, with those vanward Eight, could get clutch of Conflans. And truly he did then strike his claws into him in a thunderously fervid manner, he and all hands, in spite of the roaring weather: a man of falcon, or accipitral, nature as well as name.

The instant that Eugene Aronson sprang over the white post a blast from Dellarme's whistle began the war. It was a signal, too, for Stransky to play the part he had planned; to make the speech of his life. His six feet of stature shot to its feet with a Jack-in-the-box abruptness, under the impulse of a mighty and reckless passion. "Men, stop firing!" he cried thunderously.