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He was comparatively young, somewhere in the early thirties, and had the frame and bearing of an athlete. There were rumors that he had been a star pitcher on his college baseball nine and a quarterback on a football eleven whose exploits were still cherished in the memory of his institution.

There occurs a dangerous age in the late thirties and early forties, one in which self-indulgence makes itself clamorous. Golf, the fishing trip, games of all kinds; legitimate excitement which need not be inhibited is necessary.

None the less, though con-genitally averse to the materialistic and subversive theories that were then seething in Naples, he became entangled in the anti-Bourbon movements of the late thirties, and narrowly avoided the death-penalty which struck down some of his comrades. At other times his natural piety laid him open to the accusation of reactionary monarchical leanings.

The stain was memory, a vague copy of barbarous family preserved in one's wretched thoughts, preserved like the male and female corpses at Siriaj Hospital who, despite their slit bodies acting the part of striptease artists of human entrails, had always seemed to him to resemble his own mother and father in their late thirties. How could they not?

Every day we asked the steward how old Wiggins were a-gittin' on, and every day he'd shake his head and say 'no better; and it come to be understood, fore and aft, that it were as much as a toss-up if the old man ever smelled grass ag'in. We had a little let-up arter gittin' into the thirties, and for a day or so had fine weather and a chance to dry our dunnage.

They are people in the early or middle thirties, I judge, and were probably put in as a connecting link between the two sections of the party. Mrs. Phillips herself is a rich widow of forty-odd forty-five or six, possibly, though I am not the very best judge in such matters: no need to tell you that, on such a point, my eye and my general sense are none too acute.

For those who fancy that the "new psychology" with its experimental analysis of psychological experiences began only in the second half of the nineteenth century or perhaps even with the foundation of the psychological laboratories, it might be enlightening to study those discussions of the early thirties. The next step leads us much further.

There were the Tousy and the Peasly girls, the Wright girls and the Morrisons, to say nothing of the Smiths, Browns, and Joneses, many of whom were the daughters of cultured parents. If any one nowadays believes that Indianapolis little spot in the wilderness though it was lacked refined society during the thirties, he is much mistaken.

When Newman visited Greece in the thirties what impressed him, or rather oppressed him, as he stood above the glorious bay of Salamis, over which once rode the hundreds and thousands of galleys and triremes which transported the unnumbered hosts of Xerxes to Greece, was the awful thought that all those million men, including the proud monarch who reviewed them from the spot on which he then stood, were "still alive". Alive!

There is some premature gray in my family but that isn't until one's late thirties early forties. It won't happen to me. I'll have beautiful dark hair until they carry me off in a coffin strike that, an urn for I will be cremated to go back to the elements immediately." "Look at that once stalwart face in the mirror is this a human face or a sponge that has sucked up too much water?"