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She knows that the Peters of Petercumb Hall have cut her, for they did not answer a note of hers, sent by the gardener; and Mr Smith has written a very violent answer to another of her notes, wondering at her attempting to push herself into the company of the aristocracy. But what has brought her to her senses more than all is the affair of Monsieur Tagliabue.

Mr Turnbull then took the cheque and tore it in pieces, and the magistrate ordered M. Tagliabue to be taken to the alien office, and he was sent to the other side of the Channel, in company with his wife, to play ecarte with whomsoever he pleased. Thus ended the episode of Monsieur Tagliabue.

"You mentioned Lord Scrope just now as your particular friend, I think?" "Yes, sar, me very intimate with Lord Scrope; me spend three months at Scrope Castle with mi Lady Scrope; mi Lady Scrope very fond of Madame Tagliabue." "Very well, Monsieur Tagliabue; we must proceed with another case until Mr Turnbull's bail arrives. Sit down for a little while, if you please."

Monsieur Tagliabue turned round every now and then, and threatened, and then tried to escape, as he perceived the upraised boot of Mr Turnbull. When fairly out of the house he turned round, "Monsieur Turnbull, I will have de satisfaction, de terrible satisfaction, for this. You shall pay. By God, sar, you shall pay de money for this."

"Mrs Peters, there's a wolley went o' weaters. Will you make use of some? Mrs Drummond, will you try the dish coming round? It is let me see chew farsy. My Lord Babbleton, I 'ope the lamb's to your liking? Monshere Tagliabue William, give Monshere a clean plate. What will you take next?" "Vraiment, madame, tout est excellent, superbe!

So, thought he, now the whole story's out; she has been swindled out of her money by this rascally French couple. "Now, Monsieur Tagliabue," said he, "allow me to put a question or two before I pay this money; and if you answer me sincerely, I shall raise no objection. I think Mrs T has already lost about six hundred pounds at ecarte before?" "Dat is true; but the ladies are very quick to learn."

"Ah, madame, votre cuisine est superbe," exclaimed Monsieur Tagliabue, tucking the corner of his napkin into his button-hole, and making preparations for well filling his little rotundity. "Ve," replied Mrs Turnbull. "Mrs Peters, will you try the dish next Mr Turnbull? What is it?" Will you, my lord? If your lordship has not yet got into your French it means roast quarter of lamb."

Madame Tagliabue, upon what pretence I know not, was considered the first lady in the room, and Lord Babbleton was requested by Mrs Turnbull to hand her down. Madame rose, took his lordship's hand, and led him away.

Mr Smith requested the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Babbleton never to mention to his father the Right Honourable Marquis of Spring-guns, that he had ever been taken to see the Turnbulls or that he, Mr Smith, would infallibly lose his situation in esse, and his living in posse: and Monsieur and Madame Tagliabue were even more astounded; but they felt deeply, and resolved to pay a visit the next morning, at least Monsieur Tagliabue did, and Madame acknowledged to the propriety of it.

The magistrate read it, and smiled; went on with the other case, and when it was finished, said, "Now, M. Tagliabue, you have said that you were intimate with Lord Scrope." "Yes, sar, very intimate." "Well, Lord Scrope I have the pleasure of knowing: and, as he is in town, I wrote a note to him and here is his answer. I will read it." M. Tagliabue turned pale as the magistrate read the following: