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Updated: August 27, 2024

"I doan't howd wi' guns an' shootin' aboot, in a sma' garden, wi' t' washin' an' aw." "It's feyther's garden, ain't it, as long as he pays t' rent!" said Will, bringing his hand down on the table with sudden passion. "Wha's to hinder me? Mebbe yo' think Melrose 'ull be aboot." "Howd your tongue, Willie," said his mother, mildly. "We werena taakin' o' Melrose." "Noa because we're aye thinkin'!"

It's a bad business an' ee'll not mend it wi' taakin'. Mrs. Thornburgh, however, could not apply herself to the case of Mary Backhouse. At any other moment it would have excited in her breast the shuddering interest which, owing to certain peculiar attendant circumstances, it awakened in every other woman in Long Whindale.

Near her sat an oldish woman with an almost toothless mouth, who was chattering to her in a tone that Letty knew to be three parts hypocritical. "Well, the treuth is the men is that fool 'ardy when they gets a thing into their yeds, there's no taakin wi un.

Yo mun wrastle wi t' sin an gaa saftly by t' sinner." "Sin!" she said scornfully. Daffady was quelled. "I've allus thowt mysen," he said hastily, "as we'd a deal to larn from Romanists i' soom ways. Noo, their noshun o' Purgatory I daurna say a word for 't when t' minister's taakin, for there's noa warrant for 't i' Scriptur, as I can mek oot bit I'll uphod yo, it's juist handy!

But one white and sickly fellow looked back to say: "An' it's a graat pity for a yoong mon like you, sir, to be doin' Muster Melrose's dirty work taakin' o' the police as though yo' had 'em oop your sleeve!" "Haven't I done what I could for you?" cried Faversham, stung by the reproach, and its effect on Lydia's face. "Aye mebbe but it's nowt to boast on."

'Has she been long like this? she asked softly of the neighbour who sat quietly knitting by the evening light. The woman looked up and thought. 'Ay! she said. 'Aa came in at tea-time, an' she's been maistly taakin' ivver sence!

"Aa thowt it was Jack Dent aa was taakin' tee. He cum heor wiv us." "Where is he now?" inquired the officer. "Hoo am aa t' knaa?" said Jimmy; "but the Lord help him when aa dee cum across him. He's betrayed me. Nivvor more will aa put me heed in a rabbit-hole!"

It's a bad business au' ee'll not mend it wi' taakin. Mrs. Thornburgh, however, could not apply herself to the case of Mary Backhouse. At any other moment it would have excited in her breast the shuddering interest, which, owing to certain peculiar attendant circumstances, it, awakened in every other woman in Long Whindale.

I've a son on the railway out Lichfield way an he's allus taakin about is long hours they're killing im, he says an I allus ses to im, 'Yer may jest thank the Lord, Harry, as yer not in the pits. He never gets no pity out o me.

'Has she been long like this? she asked softly of the neighbor who sat quietly knitting by the evening light. The woman looked up and thought. 'Ay! she said. 'Aa came in at tea-time, an' she's been maistly taakin' ivver sence!

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