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She kept the talk alive as others in the car crawled away for the night behind the green swaying curtains. With the young man Laura discussed ideas she had got from reading Ibsen and Shaw. She grew bold and daring in the advancing of opinions and tried to stir the young man to some overt speech or action that might arouse her indignation.

There is a sudden, tremendous shock, as they strike some obstacle; shrieks from the women, a swaying of the coach, which immediately falls over on one side. A wheel has come off. They are wrecked among the hills, and a considerable distance from Algiers, the lights of which illumine the heavens beyond.

Dorothy sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out of them, and then found it was daybreak. Ozma was hurriedly dressing herself. "What is it?" asked Dorothy, jumping out of bed. "I'm not sure," answered Ozma "but it feels as if the island is sinking." As soon as possible they finished dressing, while the creaking and swaying continued.

Rose was sitting on the edge of her bed, a white dressing-gown over her shoulders, her hair in a glorious confusion all about her. She was swaying backward and forward dreamily singing, and she started up when she saw Catherine.

He saw close at hand the black moustached man in yellow who had been among those who had greeted him in the public theatre, shouting directions. The hall was already densely packed with swaying people, the little metal gallery sagged with a shouting load, the curtains at the end had been torn away, and the antechamber was revealed densely crowded.

The man was transformed, swaying half crouched before them. The long black hair fell across the white scar, and picture after picture leaped from his tongue with such vividness that a low wail started through the audience, and women sobbed in their bonnets.

At other times, the pitch was all the contrary way; the whole interior of the ascending chaise was disclosed to my view, and above the chaise the pony, and above the pony the boy and, ah, my luggage swaying and rocking in the frail embraces of the rope that held it. Twenty times did I confidently expect to see baggage, chaise, pony, boy, all rolling down into the bottom of a valley together.

They both paused and studied the gently swaying masses of corn, and behind them the looming woods, sinister with possible secrets. "Well," said old Peter. The major moved uneasily and put his hand to his brow. Peter waited in obvious expectation. The major crossed through the grass at the roadside and climbed the fence.

To make sure of finding the rendezvous, she had taken a reconnoitering journey along the Sceaux road the night before.... She knew now she was close to the famous milestone. Bobinette jumped as though she would leap out of her skin! On the left side of the road tall trees, stripped of their leaves, stood swaying like skeletons in the wind.

The scarlet grew brighter and brighter until it became a white, streaming light. All at once the swaying stopped. The intensity of the white light was agreeably tempered by a grey mist. Through the vapour, he saw the outlines of his own chiffonier, across the room. A woman in spotless white moved noiselessly about. Even though she did not look at him, he felt a certain friendliness toward her.