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By all accounts it ought to have been those three heart-warming days spent with Whitley a month earlier, and his farewell words of helpfulness and cheer spoken as I was boarding the outgoing train at the Springville station.

The widow, obeying priestly instructions, announced that her husband had gone to California. Then the soul of William Parrish at Springville was saved to eternal glory; also the soul of his son, Beason.

We replenished our lunch basket of the day before from a grocery store, filled our tank with gasoline and sped on. At twelve o'clock, a few miles beyond the small village of Springville, which will shortly be connected with the outside world by a railroad now in process of construction, we halted for lunch in a shady spot on one of the forks of the Tule River.

I find no report of his work that winter, except this item from one of his letters: "There have been seventeen additions at meetings which I have recently attended six at Brownsburg, Hendricks county, and eleven at Springville, Lawrence county, Ind."

At dinner, which was the most appetizing meal I had sat down to in many a long day, Whitley told me more about himself, sparing me, as I made sure, the necessity of further talk about my own wretched experiences. He was Southern born and bred which accounted for the old negro serving man and Springville was his first parish north of the Ohio River.

They had worked a miracle of abundance in the desert but of what avail? For the soul of their faith was gone. He felt or heard the proof of it on every hand. Through Battle Creek, Provo, and Springville he went; through Spanish Fork, Payson, Salt Creek, and Fillmore. He stopped to preach at each place, but he did it perfunctorily, and with shame for himself in his secret heart.

Accordingly, he wrote to the Luminary under date of December 26, 1859, from Springville, Ind., as follows: I have thought best, before returning to Kansas, to make a short visit to this part of Indiana, where, according to report, almost all the brethren are opposed to our recent missionary movement. In twenty-three days I have preached thirty-two discourses.

An outlying band had had, from before Gist's day, a small town across the Ohio, the site of Springville; and it was here that George Croghan had his stone trading house, which was doubtless, after the manner of the times, a frontier fortress. It was while the Indian town at Portsmouth was still new , that a party of Shawanese brought here a Mrs.

Just across the Scioto is Alexandria, and on the Kentucky side of the Ohio can be seen the white hamlet of Springville, at the feet of the dentated hills which here closely approach the river. The country about the mouth of the Scioto has long figured in Western annals. Being a favorite rendezvous for the Shawanese, it naturally became a resort for French and English fur-traders.

One George D. Watt, an Englishman, residing at Salt Lake City, has for his fourth wife his own half-sister, who had been previously divorced from Brigham Young; and one Aaron Johnson, the Bishop of the town of Springville, on Lake Utah, has seven wives, four of whom are sisters, and his own nieces.