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After the salad there was another partial clearance, and then every available inch of the table was needed for peach pies and apple sauce and hot gingerbread and raspberries, or various similar delicacies, and the coffee and yellow cheese and soda-crackers with which the meal concluded.

He lighted a lantern, walked me a quarter of a mile, and showed me four 'mooley-cows' say, I was sore. But I 'm square with him I gave him a couple of 'Mexicans. "That supper! Louis shoe-man. We turned the things down one by one as they came in. A few soda-crackers on the table saved our lives. We tried the griddle-cakes. They were pieces of scorched, greasy dough, as big as pie-plates.

First she saw a number of small boxes, innocent appearing affairs which suggested soda-crackers. Beyond them was something covered with a blanket; Norton stepped by her and jerked the covering aside. Startled, puzzled by what she saw, she looked to him wonderingly. Placed neatly, lying side by side, their metal surfaces winking back at the light of Norton's match, were a number of rifles.

He eyed them thoughtfully, chewing a corner of his underlip. He did not want peaches or tomatoes just then; he wanted those soda-crackers. He took Buck Olney's knife he was finding it a most useful souvenir of the encounter! and pried off a board from the peach box. Two nails stuck out through each end of the board.

"Do you mean to say that you have done all the packing for yourself and your partner?" he inquired. "N no. Old Jerry totters across with a package of soda-crackers once in a while. You must have heard him; he creaks like a gate.

"Old Longstreet himself would envy me now," the rebel cried, his mouth stuffed with the cold meat and hard-tack, almost as fresh and crisp as soda-crackers, for the contractors had not yet learned the trick of making them out of sawdust, white sand, and other inexpensive substitutes for flour. "Longstreet?" Barney said, carelessly.

Bread was mainly in the form of quick-fire biscuits, baked in a skillet or similar utensil, or the ever-ready and always-welcome "flap-jack," sometimes supplemented with soda-crackers, as a delicacy. Nearly all the nights were pleasant mild temperature, and very little dew. This gave much relief, the daytime heat being generally irksome and often distressingly hot.

Gypsy enjoyed the sport as keenly as any of us, even going so far, one day, as to trot down the beach into the sea where we were bathing. As she took the cart with her, our provisions were not much improved. I shall never forget how squash-pie tastes after being soused in the Atlantic Ocean. Soda-crackers dipped in salt water are palatable, but not squash-pie.

All the others were aboard the Barracouta, at work on the fish. Spurling hailed Percy. "Want to lend a hand, Whittington?" "No!" refused Percy, shortly. Entering the cabin, he made a dry lunch on cold biscuit and soda-crackers, then threw himself on his bunk and began reading. The afternoon dragged on.