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To lose him would be a very serious matter to Miss Joliffe from the material point of view; he was her sheet-anchor, the last anchor that kept Bellevue Lodge from drifting into bankruptcy. Mr Sharnall was dead, and with him had died the tiny pittance which he contributed to the upkeep of the place, and lodgers were few and far between in Cullerne.

I do not value fortune. The love of labor is my sheet-anchor. I work that I may forget, and forgetting, I am happy. Stephen Girard When we make a census of the sensible, and count the competent, we can not leave out the name of William Penn. He was the founder of the City of Philadelphia, and of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and gave name and fame to both.

Luxury, indeed, it was to Arabella to find, at last, some one to whom she could speak of that betrothal in which her whole future was invested of that affection which was her heart's sheet-anchor of that home, humble it might be and far off, but to which Time rarely fails to bring the Two, if never weary of the trust to become as One.

By noon the sea went very high indeed, and our ship rode forecastle in, shipped several seas, and we thought once or twice our anchor had come home; upon which our master ordered out the sheet-anchor, so that we rode with two anchors ahead, and the cables veered out to the bitter end.

Here the skipper spoke less than the truth, for under the planking of his cabin, only to be reached by a chisel, lay a little money which never drew any interest his sheet-anchor to windward. It was all in clean sovereigns that pass current the world over, and might have amounted to more than a hundred pounds. "He's left me alone. Let's thank God," repeated Mr. Wardrop.

"You will find me at the Café Regina, Düsseldorf F.O." After that I felt I could bear with everything. The message awakened hope that was fast dying in my heart. At least on July 5th, Francis was alive. To that fact I clung as to a sheet-anchor. It gave me courage for the hardest part of all my experiences in Germany, those long days of waiting in that den of thieves. For I knew I must be patient.

"I keep that hope in perspective, sir; or, as we sailors say, for a sheet-anchor." "Your hope of salvation, boy, is your sheet-anchor, I trust. Nevertheless, we are not to be too hard on young men, and must let them have a little romance in their compositions. Yes, yes; I trust you will not become so much wedded to your ship, as not to think of taking a wife, one of these days.

Things had now reached a crisis; and, if something were not done quickly, the game was up. Now, therefore, taking a last hurried look at his dictionary, the German flew after the lady, crying out in a voice of despair 'Madam, since your husband, your most respected husband, have hopped de twig' This was his sheet-anchor; and, as this also came home, of course the poor man was totally wrecked.

But with him, too, the tail is the sheet-anchor, by which he can hold on, and bring all his four feet to bear on his food. For the life of animals in the primeval forest is, as one glance would show you, principally arboreal.

Then addressing himself to the terrified Dawdle, "D n'd," said he, "for what should I be d n'd? If you are afeard of goblins, brother, put your trust in the Lord, and he'll prove a sheet-anchor to you." The other having by this time recollected himself perfectly, continued notwithstanding to spout tragedy, and, in the words of Macbeth, pronounced,