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And under the crimson haze lay the dead wrecks, looming large in it, with gleams of crimson light striking here and there on spars and masts and giving them the look of being on fire. And then the light faded slowly, through shades of purple and soft pink and warm gray, until at last the blessed darkness came and shut off everything from my tired eyes.

Rose watched her with the same sharp question in her eyes. "You know you and Barney will make it up," she said, at length. "No, I don't," returned Charlotte. "Suppose we go down-stairs now. I've got some work I ought to do." Charlotte pulled down the green paper shades of the windows, and went out of the room. Rose followed. Charlotte turned to go down-stairs, but Rose caught her arm.

One of the chief charms of an excursion through these foothill counties is the certainty that directly you reach any considerable elevation there will be revealed a magnificent panorama, bounded only by the limit of vision, range after range of mountains running up in varying shades of blue and purple, to the far distant summits that indicate the backbone of California.

But across old Margery's countenance, while I was speaking, passed many shades of opinion, which, fortunately, by the time I had finished, crystallized into an approving smile of acquiescence. She even added her own commentary: "And a very good thing, too, I am thinking. For Master Garth, poor laddie, was always so set upon having beauty about him.

Dryden, in his dedication to 'The Indian Emperor, says, 'High objects, it is true, attract the sight; but it looks up with pain on craggy rocks and barren mountains, and continues not intent on any object which is wanting in shades and green to entertain it. Addison and Gray had no better epithets than 'rugged, 'horrid, and the like for Alpine landscape.

Just as in the prism a white ray of light is split up into seven darker shades of color, so the divine personality or Ego has been broken into countless susceptible substances. As seven darker shades melt together in one clear pencil of light, out of the union of all these substances a divine being would issue.

"Janet!" he cried. And the girl flung her arms about him. "Juanita told you? Oh, it was dreadful! But Mr. Weir has brought me home safe." Dr. Hosmer too agitated to speak reached out and grasped the engineer's hand, pressing it fervently. At about that moment three men sat in the rear of Vorse's saloon. The shades were drawn and the front part of the long room was dark.

Her only glimpses of the outside world were those which she got on cloudy or stormy days when the shades were raised a few inches and, turning her head on the pillow, she could see beneath them. For six years she had been helpless and bedridden in that little room. But she never complained. I told her that I had been uptown for a walk. "Did you meet any one?" she asked.

The afternoon of this hot August day, one of the last of glorious Fructidor, had begun to wane, and the shades of evening to slowly creep into the long, bare room where this travesty of justice was being administered. The Citizen-President sat at the extreme end of the room, on a rough wooden bench, with a desk in front of him littered with papers.