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Ancient forms of worship. Religious instincts. The nine Muses. Festivities in honor of Jupiter. Spectacles and shows. Alexander's route. Alexander begins his march. Romantic adventure. The plain of Troy. Tenedos. Mount Ida. The Scamander. The Trojan war. Dream of Priam's wife. Exposure of Paris. The apple of discord. The dispute about the apple. Decided in favor of Venus. The story of the bull.

Then Achilles caught him by the foot and flung him into the river to go down stream, vaunting over him the while, and saying, "Lie there among the fishes, who will lick the blood from your wound and gloat over it; your mother shall not lay you on any bier to mourn you, but the eddies of Scamander shall bear you into the broad bosom of the sea.

Courage and self-renunciation have attained their height. Nor have strategy and the mechanical appliances of modern warfare turned the soldier into a machine, an automaton, devoid of will and self-directing energy. Contemporary history makes it daily clearer that in modern battles brain and nerve count as heavily as they ever did in the combats by the Scamander or the Simois.

"Son of Atreus, and other chieftains, inasmuch as many of the Achaeans are now dead, whose blood Mars has shed by the banks of the Scamander, and their souls have gone down to the house of Hades, it will be well when morning comes that we should cease fighting; we will then wheel our dead together with oxen and mules and burn them not far from the ships, that when we sail hence we may take the bones of our comrades home to their children.

Schliemann, known to belong to a comparatively modern epoch. The streams, bearing the ever memorable names of Simois and Scamander, were also eagerly pointed out by the watchers, recalling the words of Lamartine: Le nautonnier voguant sur les flots du Bosphore Des yeux cherchait encore Le palais de Priam et les tours d'Ilium.

The son of Phyleus got close up to him and drove a spear into the nape of his neck: it went under his tongue all among his teeth, so he bit the cold bronze, and fell dead in the dust. And Eurypylus, son of Euaemon, killed Hypsenor, the son of noble Dolopion, who had been made priest of the river Scamander, and was honoured among the people as though he were a god.

Thus the myriads rolled onward through Lydia and Mysia, drinking the rivers dry by their numbers; and across the immortal plains of Troy passed that army which was destined to do and suffer greater things than were wrought beside the poet-sung Simois and Scamander, till at last they came to the Hellespont, the green river seven furlongs wide, that sundered conquered Asia from the Europe yet to be conquered.

"Isn't it the most unpleasant party you were ever at in your life?" The ex-god Scamander held up his hands and eyes. "Eh, mon Dieu!" he replied. "What an evening of disasters! I have lost my best pupil and my second-best wig!" In the meanwhile, we went up like the others, and said good-night to our hostess.

On they flew along the waggon-road that ran hard by under the wall, past the lookout station, and past the weather-beaten wild fig-tree, till they came to two fair springs which feed the river Scamander. One of these two springs is warm, and steam rises from it as smoke from a burning fire, but the other even in summer is as cold as hail or snow, or the ice that forms on water.

The troops marched along the banks of the Caicus over the plains of Thebes; and passing Mount Ida to the left, above whose hoary crest broke a storm of thunder and lightning, they arrived at the golden Scamander, whose waters failed the invading thousands.